Saturday, 27 July 2024

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The National Liberal National Secretary (Cllr. David Durant) was elected to a borough council seat in Rainham in the London borough of Havering in May’s elections. David was standing under the banner of the Independent Local Residents (a member of the electoral coalition – The Peoples Alliance (PA)). Two other NLP members narrowly missed being elected in a neighbouring ward by 95 and 294 votes respectively.

The results were quite remarkable since the combined General & Local Elections meant there was a big turnout with a large ‘national’ vote going to the establishment parties resulting in big losses amongst independents and small parties. David worked hard for his victory and is a well respected political figure in Havering, Essex. The ILR group on the Council now effectively controls the Area Committee by winning four of the six seats (up from two). Well done to David and his team!


Members of the People’s Alliance including NLP Exec member Graham Williamson celebrate David Durant’s election at weekend Victory Party

NLP Press Release: Liberal Democrats out of touch



The National Liberals (NLP) – a patriotic Liberal party – have criticised Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg’s proposed amnesty of illegal immigrants in the UK.
The policy came under scrutiny after being discussed in the the final ‘Leaders TV Debate’.  The Liberal Democrat policy would allow any English speaking illegal immigrant who could prove UK residency for 10 years would have the right to earn citizenship after a period of community service. It has been suggested this could ultimately result in 1.2 million new citizens*

The National Liberal (NLP) candidate in Eastleigh, Keith Low said “After the LD’s about-turn on an EU Constitutional referendum this latest policy to reward those who have sneaked into Britain with all the benefits the state bestows on its citizens is another slap in the face of the average Liberal supporter and a sign that they are still out of touch with voters .” **
He added “Most of us have voted Liberal/Lib Dem in the past for policies such as a smaller government, devolution and a protection of civil liberties but did not want or expect to support plans to surrender our national sovereignty or our citizenship to the highest bidder! There has always been two ‘liberals’ in this country – one which is comfortable with protecting our national identity and another which is embarrassed by it! Voters of Eastleigh are the first to be offered a choice of Liberal!”

The NLP are putting up Keith Low as a candidate in the UKs forthcoming General Election with the specific aim of removing the Liberal Democratic MP Chris Huhne. The latter helped prevent the UK having a referendum on the EU Constitution (Lisbon Treaty) despite promising one to voters. Keith Low’s campaign team has produced an election video*** to raise donations and an election address to all households in Eastleigh.
* Tory leader David Cameron claimed the “amnesty” could apply to 600,000 people who would also be able to bring a family member to Britain.
** A You Gov poll of more than 2,000 adults found that 54% were opposed (37% strongly) to the LD plan. Among Lib Dem supporters, 57% were opposed (36% strongly). The survey asked: “It has been suggested that migrants who have been living illegally in the UK for 10 years with a ‘clean record’ since they’ve been here should be granted full citizenship, subject to civic and language tests. Would you support or oppose this proposal?”

*** The short video (see http://www.nationalliberal.orgexplains why the NLP are standing against Chris Huhne. It also highlights the National Liberals of old who would be appalled by the Liberal Democrats policies on Europe. The accompanying music begins with ‘Ode to Joy’ – Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and the EU’s ‘National’ (sic) anthem. Later this changes to David Garrick’s patriotic ‘Hearts of Oak’.

Contact: David Durant – Election Agent & National Secretary – 0776 1976219
Address: PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4PJ
Press Release (NLP06/10press) distributed by Accentuate – PR Company




With the prospect of the re-election of Havering’s Conservative Administration on the back of an anti-Government vote, the Independent Local Residents, the National Liberal Party and non-aligned Independents have come together to re-form the ‘Peoples Alliance’.

They have put together a basic manifesto. This pledges more Council Tax reductions, the Promotion of all the borough’s Shopping Centres and Opposition to housing over-development.

They believe the present RA opposition has failed to provide an effective opposition to the Administration and hope to become the alternative post May 6th.

A number of NLP members are standing, some under the party banner and others as one of the Independent groups depending on the area. Graham Williamson & NLP member (standing for the South Hornchurch Local Independents) says “On the key issues such as over development of the borough the RA’s have had little to say. We need an opposition that will fight over, and not shirk, the big issues. That opposition resides in the members of the Alliance. We fully expect to gain seats at the forthcoming local elections and may become the official opposition.”

The Alliance is supporting 19 candidates, concentrated largely in the South of the borough, composed of 11 Independents, 2 National Liberal Party (NLP) and 6 Independent Local Residents (ILR). This is divided as follows:

Rainham (3 ILR), South Hornchurch (3 ILR), Elm Park (2 NLP), Hacton (3 IND), St. Andrews (2 IND), Harold Wood (2 IND), Emerson Park (2 IND), Cranham (1 IND), Upminster (1 IND).

National Liberal Press Release: Punish Chris Huhne at the polls!
Keith Low in Eastleigh 20.4

Keith Low (right) campaigning in Eastleigh today with the NLP National Secretary (David Durant)


Nominations closed today (20th April) in the Parliamentary seat of Eastleigh, Hampshire (and elsewhere). Apart from the usual suspects the National Liberal Party (NLP) is standing a candidate (Keith Low) with the express aim of unseating Chris Huhne!

Keith Low launched his campaign in Eastleigh Town Centre at the same time by greeting shoppers while supporters delivered thousands of leaflets in nearby streets explaining why the NLP were standing and in particular the betrayal of Liberal voters over Europe by Chris Huhne.

Keith Low said “Liberals, in contrast to Labour and Conservatives, like to portray their principles as honest. Chris Huhne amongst other Liberal Democrats (LD) betrayed that honesty by reneging on his party’s promise to support a referendum on the EU Constitution (Lisbon Treaty). We aim to punish Chris Huhne by helping unseat him as an MP.

He added “Unfortunately the LDs no longer value British Independence. It wasn’t always that way of course and there are many Liberals of old who would turn in their graves to see their party behave in this way. This campaign is just the first of many by the National Liberals to ‘reclaim Liberalism’ and bring it back to its patriotic roots!”

The NLP will be delivering an election address to every household in Eastleigh asking voters to turn their back on Chris Huhne by, at best, voting for Keith Low in protest or, at worst, by staying at home. Copies will be sent out to interested parties soon.



Notes for Editors

Keith Low lives in Essex and is a retired postal worker (61). He says he is upset with the Government actions that force postal workers to do extra deliveries for no extra pay, labelling it ‘modernisation’.

He is presently a carer but is also a volunteer charity worker for Dr Bernardo’s and campaigns on human rights issues, lately on behalf of Tamils in Sri Lanka. He is also a writer of music and an amateur musician but would like to turn professional.

Available campaign materials

1. ‘Target Huhne’ Video see

Contact: David Durant – Election Agent (and National Secretary) – 0776 1976219

Address: PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4PJ &
Press Release (NLP05/10press) distributed by Accentuate – PR Company


target huhneThe National Liberal Party (NLP) is aiming to unseat Eastleigh MP Chris Huhne in revenge for his reneging on the Liberal Democrat promise to support a referendum on the EU Constitution (Lisbon Treaty).

The National Liberal Party (who hark back to the Liberal Nationals of the 1930’s who split from the Liberals over protectionism) are putting up a candidate (Keith Low) at the forthcoming General Election.
The candidate Keith Low says “We want to punish Chris Huhne for his betrayal of the LD promise to support a referendum. Chris Huhne is known to be one of the most pro-EU MPs in Parliament. We will be urging Liberal voters to either vote for the National Liberals or anybody but Huhne!”.
NLP National Secretary David Durant said “For too long the Liberal voter has been only offered Liberal candidates that think patriotism is a dirty word. This wasn’t always so. The Liberal Nationals/National Liberals (1931-1968) were always concerned about threats to the nation whether it be from cheap imports or foreign dictators. Our aim is to offer that alternative to the voters of Eastleigh. If Chris Huhne becomes a casualty so be it!”.
An election address will be delivered to all households in Eastleigh. A copy of this (plus poster) will follow. A video in support of the campaign has been produced called ‘Target Huhne’ and is attached. This is about to be viralled across the Internet.
Contact: David Durant – EA/National Secretary – 0776 1976219
Address: PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4PJ
Press Release (NLP04/10press) distributed by Accentuate – PR Company

Youth unemployment

NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY National Secretary Mr. David Durant also serves on the National Executive of Solidarity Trade Union. Solidarity describes itself as a free, autonomous Nationalist trade union.

Since the middle of December last year, Mr. Durant has been speaking out against the “scandalous” youth unemployment figures.

In fact, youth unemployment is spiraling out of control. November 2009 saw a record number of young people without a job. Nearly one in five 16 to 24-year-olds are claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance. It represents the highest rate of youth unemployment since records began in 1971.

These youngsters join a total of around two-and-a-half million unemployed. And things don’t look any brighter for the foreseeable future. Factory closures – throwing hundreds of workers onto the dole – still seem to be the order of the day.

Mr. Durant has put forward several ideas to tackle youth unemployment – including meaningful training schemes, apprenticeships and jobs. In an article of 11/12/2009 entitled Youth unemployment soars, he called for a dual approach – a massive jobs creation programme and an in-depth look at the economy.

“I’m calling for a massive jobs creation programme. Virtually every day we hear that our public services are at breaking point. So why not train up more doctors, nurses and other health care workers? Why not train more lecturers and teachers?

We also need an emergency programme of national works. This would include re-building our transport infrastructure, cleaning up our towns and cities, making all dwellings fit and habitable and tending to the land”.

As part of a longer-term strategy he also said:

“We must have an in-depth look at the economy. Why do we have this crazy system of boom and bust? We must have a stable economic system”.

In January, he returned to the theme of youth unemployment and called for a possible lowering of the age of retirement. Mr. Durant’s comments came in response to the news that the Institute of Directors – IoD – wanted the state pension age to rise to 70.

He said that Solidarity Trade Union was opposed to any attempt to raise the state pension age. Indeed, he noted:

“Instead of forcing people to work on, maybe we should be looking at bringing the retirement age down even further. How many jobs would this free up for our youngsters?”

“We need to replace this crazy situation where we have millions of youngsters on the scrapheap – while others are being told that they need to work until they drop! Why not let workers retire earlier – and pay them an adequate pension – so that we can combat this chronic youth unemployment?”

The following should be read alongside this article:

Pension age to be raised?

Youth unemployment soars.

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