Saturday, 8 February 2025



Both the National Liberals and Liberal Democrats believe in protecting personal liberties. These are important and trying times however for those who wish to preserve that liberty.

A Big Brother state is looming with ID cards imminent, public order restrictions and a growing surveillance culture. Once we have discarded our personal protections, that thousands have fought and died for over the centuries, it will be hard to get them back.

But………….the National Liberals and Liberal Democrats are not the same as we differ on some other fundamental issues. Here are just a few examples:


Liberal Democrats believe in surrendering national sovereignty to bodies such as the EU to the benefit of Big Business and Bureaucrats.

National Liberals however believe that national sentiment is intrinsic to mankind and support the preservation of independent nation states.


Liberal Democrats believe in International Free Trade regardless of the impact on jobs and our Balance of Trade.

National Liberals believe that the resulting ‘Globalisation’ i.e. the mass movement of people and Capital has gone too far and is undermining wages, threatening jobs and exacerbating social tensions.


Liberal Democrats are ambivalent towards the role of the state in society.

National Liberals oppose too much state control but do believe the state can still play a role in supporting vital sectors of the economy such as the self-employed and small trader as well as helping poorer sections of our people.


Liberal Democrats believe, as with other ‘establishment’ parties, in the primacy of Representative Democracy, in particular the will of Parliament.

National Liberals accept the need for democratic Parliaments and Assemblies but are sceptical of their independence from ‘Big Brother’ Governments and members understanding of the needs of ‘real’ people. We would like to see much greater use of referenda to introduce legislation.

In short the National Liberals re-unite patriotism and popular democracy with liberalism!

(A version of this has been produced as a leaflet which you can download as a PDF from elsewhere on the site)

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