Thursday, 27 March 2025

National Council

The ruling body of the National Liberal Party is the National Council composed of Seven members (presently reduced to six after the tragic passing of Jagdeesh Singh).

Jagdeesh Singh R.I.P 21/07/22

Born in the UK, Jagdeesh was inspired to become an activist by the genocidal actions against Sikhs in India in 1984 at the ripe age of 13. 

He later became a founder and Executive member of the self-determinist pressure group, Nations without States and a National Council member of the National Liberal Party, which reflected a lot of his political beliefs. He was a prolific campaign writer and activist e.g., was a leader of the Sikh human rights group, Kesri Lehar, active on Indian issues, was instrumental in writing a manifesto for the European elections of 2014 (he was a major candidate for the NLP), numerous campaigns against the Caste system, and instrumental in exposing British Governmental involvement in the Golden Temple attack in 1984.

He was directly involved in frontline activism on a range of justice issues, including in the Panjaab (he always preferred the traditional title), honor killings, animal rights, environmental protection, welfare of nature, global self-determination of nations, empowerment of small, grassroots communities and nations and the dismantling of super-states and super-structures. Sadly he passed away in hospital. He is sorely missed by his family and comrades. In memory Nations without States agreed to hold an annual Memorial Lecture in her name.

Graham Williamson

A PR consultant and legal advisor based in London. He co-authored a seminal booklet entitled ‘Progressive Nationalism’ before helping found the NLP. He is presently editor of the party’s ideological magazine New Horizon and Chairman of the pressure group Nations without States. He is a director of the human rights group ACT NOW: Stop human rights abuses in Sri Lanka and Chairman of a community campaigning body known as the Adamsgate Action Group in his local area. His main political interests are self-determination, liberal trade unionism and support for Swiss-style referendums and initiatives

Upkar Singh Rai

An IT Manager working in the City of London and for 30 years as human rights activist and now with the Sikh liberal campaigning group Kesri Lehar (Wave of Justice). Has served many times as an Executive trustee for one of the top five Sikh Gurdwaras in Britain “Singh Sabha London East”. Member of the Sikh Council UK and British Sikh Council UK (a charity supporting the impoverished victims of the 1984 Genocide in India) and a Vice President of United Khalsa Sports Academy (a charity supporting multisport events and sponsoring youth to the 2016 Olympics). Member of Khalsa International Welfare Society (supporting restoration of Sikh Heritage sites in Pakistan and running free medical camps) in Pakistan and India. Runs youth workshops, lectures, summer/winter camps promoting healthy living, spirituality, awareness of heritage and social issues effecting British Youth on their journey through life. Encouraging youth into community service. Active in supporting local community issues.

Dean Williamson

Based in Manchester. Whilst relatively young he believes that it is a strength rather than weakness as political disillusionment is very high amongst the UK’s youth and they are more likely to listen to their own peer group. A strong believer in communication and debate he believes everyone has the right to be independent and of free spirit. Especially interested in social issue campaigns he says he wants to repair the image of the politician through honesty, diplomacy and listening before talking. He hopes that the NLP can help and inspire the change that politics so sorely needs.

Doris Jones

A qualified advocate and para legal. Currently supporting children in poor countries and supporting disabilities rights for those less fortunate than ourselves. Also campaigning for women and children rights and was a board member of Women’s Aid Northampton, England. A member of United Nation Association-United Kingdom and a committee member of Nations without States. Has a strong belief on Self Determination for all oppressed Nations. Very much supports equality and freedom for everyone regardless of skin colour, gender, race and religions. Doris says “One of dreams is that no-one should be mentally or physically tortured due to differences of faith. Let all peoples live in freedom with responsibilities”.

Sockalingam Yogalingam

An estate agent from Harrow, London but originally born in Punguducativu, in northern Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), he came to the UK as a political asylum seeker in 1986. He is a committed to campaigning for peace, justice and self-determination for his brethren on that blighted Island and is an active Member of Parliament of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) and ACT NOW and supports boycotting activities and genocide witness programmes.

With fellow NC members Graham Williamson and Jagdeesh Singh, he was a founding member of the self-determinist pressure group Nations without States and was a candidate for the NLP in the London region at the European elections (2014).

He was deeply moved by the genocide experienced by Tamils in 2009 in Sri Lanka and the event convinced him of the need to uphold human rights everywhere at all times.

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