Thursday, 27 March 2025

Nations without States


The National Liberal Party believes that the all people’s have a right to nationhood and all have a right to decide how they are governed (self-determination). Whilst we in Europe have been used to having our national identity recognised and in many cases live within our own nation-state (despite the wishes of some in the EU!), many peoples around the world do not. In the rush to decolonise many Colonial powers left behind arbitrary borders taking little account of the peoples that it contained. Thus many people’s found themselves without national representation and often faced discrimination by the majority national group that controlled the new state. This has often led to ‘independence’ struggles throughout the world. Some have been successful e.g. Kosovo, East Timor and South Sudan but others not e.g. Tamils in Sri Lanka, Tibetans in China or Sikhs and Hill tribes in India.

The National Liberal Party is sponsoring a new Pressure Group called Nations without States to highlight the plight of peoples who aspire to nationhood. These might be based on tribes based within a state or even across borders that may or may not have been independently organised in the past. They might have a linguistic or historical separateness from their neighbours or fellow citizens. All will aspire to recognition, autonomy or independence. As nationalists the group NwS will support all such peoples. This includes for example the Kurds, Flemish, Sikhs and Tamils.

Not all peoples of course necessarily wish to form separate or autonomous administrations and we will not give unconditional support to any particular group’s aspirations. We are happy to air the feelings of minority nationalists such as the Catalans, the Basques or Bretons but ultimately their peoples are the judge.

We shall host articles in various publications on the ‘forgotten nations’ of the world explaining the historical background, the present situation and what the future might hold. We are happy to allow representatives of such people’s as individuals or groups to present their case.

We may host conferences on related topics and we might promote those causes that are especially deserving. A genuine nationalist supports the right of self-determination where it is based upon a sound and just position and is supported by the majority of its ‘national’ community. The slogan ‘what is right for me is right for you’ simplifies why nationalism is actually an inter-nationalist creed quite separate to chauvinism which seeks advantage for one nation at the expense of others.


If you are a member of a dispossessed national community or would simply like to help this pressure group, particularly by writing articles, please contact the group of Nations without States by e-mailing


You can also join our facebook group at!/groups/184919468292372/

NWS Committee: Jagdeesh Singh – Sockalingam Yogalingam – Graham Williamson – Araz Yurdseven – Upkar Singh Rai – Doris Jones –  Jawad Mela – Arunasalam Rajalingam.
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