Saturday, 27 July 2024

St George’s Committee

An Introduction to the St. George’s Committee

The St. George’s Committee is a national network of patriots, some in informal community groups, who are now working together to promote English values and customs.

Welcoming of all, the SGC wants to promote English heritage, culture and Identity, through the development of local cultural committee’s who organise local activities and events.

Operating as an independent cultural association, the SGC is non political and just like any other community, we seek to celebrate our unique way of life, customs and traditions.


If you agree with what the SGC stands for, then you should join and get active locally, It is only by patriots getting organised locally will we have a voice and a presence, whereby we can be heard and organised. Without such action, nothing will happen and patriots will have no voice or body to operate within.

If you agree, join us and let’s develop a national network of English patriot’s associations across the country.

SGC Contact Point:

Alternatively please write to us at –
St.George’s Committee (Central Office)
c/o PO Box 4217, Hornchurch. Essex, RM12 4PJ
Donations welcome: Cheques payable to: St. George’s Committee

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