Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Slaughter In Gaza And Lebanon As War With Iran Approaches
REGULAR VISITORS to this site will know that we strive to promote free thought & debate.  To this end, we often post articles by groups & individuals from across the political spectrum.  
With this in mind, we present an article by independent – and entirely reader-supported – writer Caitlin Johnstone.  It was published a few days ago on 9th October & the original can be found on her website:  https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/10/09/slaughter-in-gaza-and-lebanon-as-war-with-iran-approaches/
The National Liberal Party has featured some of her previous articles over the last few years & admire her ‘spikey’ & highy individual writing style.  We support her ideas on self-sovereignty (both for individuals and for nations) & share her opposition to imperialism & racism.  We feel that her deep compassion toward all disadvantaged groups is evident in her writing.
Given the subject matter – war – this article makes for depressing reading.  However, we feel that it represents a realistic & sober analysis of the worsening situation in the Middle East. .
We’d appreciate any comments & observations you may have concerning this article.  You can leave them on the National Liberal Party Facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/NationalLiberalParty/
It goes without saying that there are no links between Caitlin Johnstone & the National Liberal Party.


Slaughter In Gaza And Lebanon As War With Iran Approaches 

An active genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the threat of another extermination campaign in Lebanon, and acceleration toward a direct war of unimaginable horror with Iran. 
ISRAEL APPEARS to have begun its long-planned ethnic cleansing (1) of northern Gaza, with the IDF dropping bombs (2), issuing evacuation orders (3) for multiple hospitals, attacking civilians with sniper drones (4), and besieging civilian populations (5) in order to force tens of thousands of people (6) to either move south or die.  Israel has reportedly been dropping leaflets (7) on the Jabalia refugee camp ordering people to leave, and then shooting anyone who tries to (8).
Since the seventh of October last year Israel has committed roughly 100 October sevenths in Gaza; scores of American medical workers who volunteered in the enclave signed an open letter (9) to president Biden estimating the real death toll from Israel’s onslaught at over 118,000. Israel has also committed about two October sevenths in Lebanon during that time, with the majority of the 2,100 Israeli killings (10) in that country coming just in the last few weeks.
As Israeli murderousness ramps up in both Gaza and Lebanon, Benjamin Netanyahu has issued a statement (11) addressed to the Lebanese people telling them that they need to somehow defeat Hezbollah in order to “save Lebanon before it plunges into the abyss of a long war that will lead to destruction and suffering like we see in Gaza.”
Israeli officials have been saying (12) they’re going to destroy Lebanon like they destroyed Gaza for months. Back in December Israel’s defense minister Yoav Gallant said (13), “Every person in Lebanon can take the map, the aerial photograph of Gaza, place it on an aerial photograph of Beirut, and ask themselves if this is what they want to happen there.” Now Netanyahu himself is saying this.
Notably, Netanyahu’s statement was delivered in English (14), with English subtitles. This wasn’t actually a plea made to the people of Lebanon, it was propaganda made for western consumption. Netanyahu does not actually believe the Lebanese people are going to take up arms against Hezbollah to stop their country from being destroyed, he’s just creating a narrative to justify what he already plans on doing to Lebanon.
And the US is encouraging Israel to move forward. On Tuesday State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller told the press (15) that the Biden administration no longer supports a ceasefire with Hezbollah, saying “We support Israel’s efforts to degrade Hezbollah’s capability” instead. Two weeks ago CNN reported (16) that the administration has also essentially given up on a ceasefire in Gaza.
And we haven’t even talked about Iran yet. NBC News reports (17) that US military officials have been discussing directly joining in Israel’s planned attack on Iran (18), potentially launching their own airstrikes on the Iranian military whenever Israel begins its attack.
Whether the US joins with Israel in its coming attack or not, Iran has already made it clear (19) that it will retaliate against any further aggressions by Israel, and Israel has made it clear that if Iran strikes back it’s going to ramp up its aggressions (20) and perhaps start attacking Iranian energy infrastructure. If this blows up into full-scale war, as looks increasingly likely, it’s inevitable that the US will come to Israel’s defense.
Axios and its Israeli intelligence insider Barak Ravid have a new report (21) out on how super duper frustrated the Biden administration is becoming with Israeli warmongering. In typical Axios fashion the outlet reports that the White House is becoming “increasingly distrustful” of Israel’s planned military operations against Iran and Lebanon, but that, in typical Biden administration fashion, its American sources admit that the US “would very likely help Israel defend itself regardless” of whatever happens.
Whoever wins the US election in November appears to be committed to riding with Israel down this path into the depths of hell.
In an interview with 60 Minutes (22), Vice President Kamala Harris defended the Biden administration’s genocidal support for Israel, saying the weapons it has been giving them “allow Israel to defend itself.” She also named Iran (23) as the number one enemy of the United States.
In an appearance on The View (24), Harris was asked what she would have done differently from President Biden, and she said “There is not a thing that comes to mind.” Then later she added, “You asked me what is the difference between Joe Biden and me, that will be one of the differences: I’m going to have a Republican in my Cabinet.”
And lest you make the mistake of thinking Trump would be any better, last week the former president said (25) that Israel should attack Iran’s nuclear facilities, and criticized the Biden administration for not being sufficiently aggressive on this front.
“They asked [Biden], what do you think about Iran, would you hit Iran?” Trump said at a campaign event on Friday. “And he goes, ‘As long as they don’t hit the nuclear stuff.’ That’s the thing you want to hit, right? I said I think he’s got that one wrong.”
Anyone who still says Trump is a peacemaker is a damn fool (26).  Statements like this are in full alignment with the absolute worst warmongers in Washington like John Bolton or Lindsey Graham.
Anyway, that’s where we’re at right now. That’s the trajectory the US empire has us on. An active genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the threat of another extermination campaign in Lebanon, and acceleration toward a direct war of unimaginable horror with Iran.
These psychos must be stopped.
(1)  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/06/new-israeli-assault-on-north-gaza-signals-start-of-ethnic-cleansing-plan/#gsc.tab=0
(2)  https://x.com/OmarHamadD/status/1843710481326059619
(3)  https://x.com/ActionAidUK/status/1843728251103129933
(4)  https://x.com/FranceskAlbs/status/1843669362328158363
(5)  https://x.com/Raminho/status/1843667350790304130
(6)  https://www.msf.org/israeli-forces-are-pushing-people-north-south-gaza-palestine
(7)  https://x.com/masoud_ahmed/status/1843254627988603083
(8)  https://x.com/HossamShabat/status/1843664072580956171
(9)  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/03/american-healthcare-workers-who-volunteered-in-gaza-say-over-118000-have-been-killed/#gsc.tab=0
(10)  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/07/israel-has-killed-nearly-2100-in-lebanon-since-last-year/#gsc.tab=0
(11)  https://truthout.org/articles/netanyahu-openly-threatens-lebanese-civilians-with-violence-like-gaza/
(12)  https://x.com/BTnewsroom/status/1839771677519163565
(13)  https://www.timesofisrael.com/gallant-residents-of-northern-border-towns-wont-return-before-hezbollah-pushed-away/
(14)  https://x.com/netanyahu/status/1843694164690846055
(15)  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/08/us-says-it-doesnt-want-a-ceasefire-in-lebanon-supports-israeli-offensive/#gsc.tab=0
(16)  https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/25/politics/biden-adminstration-paused-push-gaza-ceasefire-push/index.html
(17)  https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/israel-not-briefed-us-military-officials-plans-retaliation-iran-rcna174443
(18)  https://www.axios.com/2024/10/02/iran-israel-missile-attacks-response
(19)  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/03/report-iran-tells-us-it-doesnt-want-war-but-phase-of-self-restraint-is-over/#gsc.tab=0
(20)  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/07/report-israel-expected-to-target-military-sites-in-iran/#gsc.tab=0
(21)  https://www.axios.com/2024/10/08/us-israel-war-iran-gaza-lebanon
(22)  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/07/harris-defends-providing-military-aid-to-israel-amid-major-escalations/#gsc.tab=0
(23)  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/08/vice-president-harris-says-iran-is-the-uss-greatest-adversary/#gsc.tab=0
(24)  https://archive.is/4dG2g
(25)  https://news.antiwar.com/2024/10/06/trump-says-israel-should-strike-irans-nuclear-sites/#gsc.tab=0

(26)  https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/both-trumpism-and-anti-trumpism-are

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It’s Not Just Populists STOKING “Misinformation” – It’s The Elite Class


LAST MONTH we featured an article –  https://nationalliberal.org/what-did-you-expect-britains-protests-reflect-decades-of-elite-failure – by Professor Matthew ‘Matt’ Goodwin.  It looked at the recent so-called ‘Far Right’ UK race riots.  This follow up article by him examines “misinformation” & the control of information, particularly in respect of immigration.  This is a area of great interest to National Liberals as we are passionate supporters of free thought and free speech.
Whist we’re on the subject of free thought & free speech, it’d be worth restating our own position on immigration.
Firstly, we oppose mass immigration as a process.  However, we’re not opposed to an individual migrant as a person. 
Like many people, we’re angry at the way successive governments have failed to stick to their election promises in respect of mass immigration.  However, our anger is directed at corporate big business, the banking elites & their client politicians.
Many people want simple solutions to very complex questions.  Therefore, knee-jerk reactions seem to be the order of the day.  These people blame individual immigrants – as opposed to the process of immigration – for all their ills. 
These knee-jerk reactions mean that they fall into the age-old trap (set by the elites) of ‘divide and conquer.’  Here, the capitalist exploiters play indigenous and immigrant workers off against each other.
Knee-jerk reactions also help those who want to introduce even more restrictions on free thought, free speech & free assembly.
As usual, we hope that this article – the original of which can be found here https://substack.com/@mattgoodwin – will provoke constructive & informed debate.
Please note that there are no official links between the National Liberal Party & Matt Goodwin.
It’s Not Just Populists STOKING “Misinformation” – It’s The Elite Class
There was a truly REMARKABLE revelation in the UK parliament this week and one you probably missed. But before I tell you about it let’s first remember what is happening right now across the West.
A radicalizing elite class (1) — an elite class that’s moved sharply to the cultural left over the last fifteen years, partly in response to things like Brexit and Trump — is blaming any outcome it doesn’t like on so-called “misinformation”.
The narrative goes like this. Ordinary people could not REALLY want to vote for political party and politician X. They could not REALLY want to support policy Y. They could not REALLY want to protest about issue Z. They are just “misinformed”.
They read a “misinformed” tweet. They listened to a “misinformed” populist. They watched a “misinformed” video. They rely too much on “misinformed” social media.
In short, rather than accept that millions of people might not want to live in the kind of society that’s now being imposed on them from above by an out-of-touch, insular, and hyper-liberal if not radically progressive elite class, the members of this ruling class are now smothering themselves in a comfort blanket by portraying voters as irrational, ignorant, “misinformed” lemmings, who are being pushed around by Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin … [insert your preferred villain here].
It’s the populists, in short, who are stoking political chaos and carnage by cultivating and spreading “misinformation” around Western societies. Hence why the elite class is investing so heavily in politically-motivated “fact-checking”, “verifying”, and, as we now see in the UK, a growing clampdown (2) on free speech and free expression. If you can’t change people’s minds, you can at least control the supply of information (3).
And nowhere is this strategy more visible than on the issue of immigration, where time and time again we are told by politically-motivated journalists, fact-checkers, and the so-called “expert class” that ordinary people expressing concern (4) about this issue simply do not understand the facts and figures. They too are suffering from an outbreak of what we might call “misinformationitis”.
Think mass immigration is worsening the housing crisis? “Misinformed!” Think it’s driving up crime? “Misinformed!” Think it’s weakening the economy? “Misinformed!” Think it’s costing the taxpayer billions in welfare payments? “Misinformed!”
Which brings me back to that REMARKABLE revelation in parliament, which was quietly made by a renegade Conservative Member of Parliament during a committee discussion about immigration, with Nigel Farage and Reform MPs looking on. What was the revelation? Well, brace yourself because there wasn’t one but a series of bombshells, each one more mind-boggling than the last and each one underlining how it’s not populists who are stoking misinformation — it’s the elite class.
The revelations — by the respected and rigorous Neil O’Brien, Conservative MP for Harborough, Oadby, and Wigston — really are devastating.
He pointed to not just a government but an entire political system that is either deliberately concealing masses of information from voters about the impact of immigration, or is doing so through sheer incompetence.
Just look at what he revealed:
•  The department for Work and Pensions has STOPPED publishing data on welfare claims by nationality, making it impossible for anybody to ascertain the impact of immigration on the welfare system (and the cost)
•  HMRC have STOPPED publishing information on the tax paid and tax credits received by nationality, again making it impossible to build up an accurate picture of how immigration is impacting on the national economy
•  the Home Office is now REFUSING to answer detailed questions about the immigration status of people who are imprisoned in UK prisons, making it impossible to gather information on how, if at all, immigration is impacting on crime rates and imprisonment
•  even worse, the Home Office actually have these data but they are deliberately REFUSING to publish them
•  the Home Office does NOT collect either nationality or immigration data on those people who are arrested on these islands, again making it impossible for us to know how, if at all, immigration is impacting on crime and social order
•  the Home Office does NOT reveal, in detail, what it is spending on hotel rooms and accommodation for illegal migrants in the asylum system, once again making it impossible to verify, dispute, or support claims being made
•  the Home Office says it DOES NOT KNOW how much it is spending on loans to refugees which is, once again, taxpayer money
As I pointed out on Twitter/X (5), in a tweet which has now been viewed by nearly 400,000 people, this, not populism, is what is breeding distrust among voters.
Either the elite class is completely incompetent, or it is deliberately concealing this information from you, the taxpayer, knowing full well that if this information was collected and released then it would likely confirm people’s suspicions about the damaging effects of illegal and legal immigration on their society – as data in other countries (6) – is already doing, including Germany, which I discuss in the piece below.
What we have then is an out-of-touch elite class that is simultaneously accusing voters of suffering “misinformation” while concealing this very information from them! How can ordinary people be misinformed when the state refuses to make critical information like this available to all? What are elites scared of?
If they are so confident in their policy decisions, in their political choices, in their continual assertion that things like immigration are an unalloyed positive for our society then why don’t they just release all the data and let us see it for ourselves?
I think we all know why. Which is why I and others will not stop drawing attention to this glaring hole in the national debate until we get the information, the transparency, and the assessments that the British people, that TAXPAYERS, deserve.
So, what can you do? Well, you could write to your local Member of Parliament and ask them why the above information is not being made public. And you could also explore submitting Freedom of Information (7) requests. Because the status-quo, with the elite class portraying much of the rest of the country as misinformed thickoes while keeping this data and information hidden from them is, clearly, unsustainable.
But this is also bigger than one issue. As I argue in my forthcoming short film (8), it’s high time that the people who run our country start treating the people who live in our country and are forced to pay the costs of the elite’s disastrous decisions with the respect and decency they deserve. Too many ordinary people are being asked (no, forced) to pay the costs of radical political experiments they neither voted for nor support. The very least the elite class could do is make this information available so we can assess the impact of the decisions that are being forced on the rest of us.
Because, look, if leaders across the West do not want to continue fanning the flames of populism, polarisation, and protest then they urgently need to start treating voters with the respect they deserve —and they could start by making this information available so that we can all have an “informed” debate about what is really happening to our country. Because until they do one point will remain inescapable. It’s not just populists who are stoking “misinformation” —it’s the elite class.
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What Did You Expect? Britain’s Protests Reflect DECADES Of Elite Failure
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is proud of its stance in support of free thought and free speech.  Here our policy has been to post up a diverse range of opinion that may be of interest to our readers.
We’ve featured articles from right across the political spectrum.  They include articles from Caitlin Johnstone & the late John Pilger (who’d be considered ‘leftists’), Marc Joffe from the Cato Institute (a libertarian group) as well as Andrew Torba (who’d be considered a ‘rightist’ & who describes himself as a Christian Nationalist).
A blind man on a flying horse will be aware that the world faces many problems.  But how do we solve them?  We believe that it’ll be through a combination of both careful thought & action.
Firstly, we need to provoke a rational & respectful debate.  Sound bites and mindless/moronic chanting are not enough.  Knee-jerk emotions need to be set aside & nihilism is definitely not the way ahead.  But once decisions are made, they need to be acted upon without fear or favour   
With all of the above in mind, we feature an article – which appeared on the US online platform Substack – from Professor Matthew ‘Matt’ Goodwin.  The British academic describes himself as ‘a professor, analyst, public speaker, and commentator on all things political.’ 
This article relates to the recent horrific murders of three young girls who were attending a dance group in Southport, Merseyside. Since then, thousands of people took to the streets to vent their anger & frustration at – as Goodwin seems to suggest – what they believe is ‘Broken Britain’.
We hope that this article – the original of which can be found here https://substack.com/@mattgoodwin – will stimulate a debate as to whether Professor Goodwin is correct or has misjudged (or even misrepresented) the current issue.  He makes some interesting buts, but we wonder if he’s used the wrong material to make a case against mass-immigration?
Since its formation, the NLP has promoted positive forms of community action. Therefore, it goes without saying that we do not support the rioting.  
We are totally opposed to nihilism & we feel that a large element of troublemakers ended up dominating (and even representing?) most of the protesters.  These nihilists just wanted to vent against the Police in the worst way possible – or vandalise property regardless of why those protests were called.  The Police claim that at least 70% of those charged were criminals i.e. had a criminal record, hate the Police who bore the brunt of the rioting. We also believe that these riots had been fuelled by misinformation and/or unproven speculation.
To reiterate, we do not support (or try to justify) their behaviour. There were a smaller number of demos where these people were not present, and they went off peacefully. Whether for or against any cause there is no excuse for what we saw.
Please note that there are no official links between the National Liberal Party & Matt Goodwin.
What Did You Expect? Britain’s Protests Reflect DECADES Of Elite Failure
My thoughts on the latest atrocities in Britain – and the reaction to them
I AM ANGRY. I am upset. And I am deeply disillusioned with the direction of Britain.
I’m writing this post after a horrific mass stabbing at a children’s dance group in the town of Southport, which left three children dead and another eight injured.
These poor children thought they were going to a Taylor Swift themed dance class; they ended up being murdered.
And who murdered them?
The son of immigrants from Rwanda.
I’ve thought about many things since.
But the one thought that keeps coming back to me is this.
When a nation cannot protect its own children something has gone terribly wrong.
And something has gone terribly wrong in this country.
We can all see it, we can all sense it, even if we dare not say it out loud.
The creeping sense of lawlessness.
The overwhelming sense of hopelessness.
The now inescapable conclusion that we’ve simply let too many people into our country who hate who we are.
And a growing sense of desperation, rooted in the knowledge that nobody in power has any serious control over the country —over its streets, borders, future.
This is why many ordinary people are now taking to the streets to vent their anger and frustration over not only the senseless murder of children but over the general direction of the country, with some — wrongly in my view — taking this anger out on police officers and emergency service workers.
In response, these protestors are being widely criticised by much of the media and political class as ‘far right agitators’, ‘violent thugs’, and ‘extremists’ who have been swayed by ‘misinformation’, ‘disinformation’, and irresponsible ‘populists’.
And I certainly have no doubt there will be violent thugs among them. I will say again —violence against police is never justified.
But here’s my question.
What did you expect?
What do you expect ordinary British people to do given the deeply alarming things that are now unfolding around them, in their country, on a daily basis?
Just look at what’s unfolded in the last month alone.
On July 4th, at the election, several Muslim MPs were elected to the House of Commons after a campaign of abuse, harassment, and intimidation, displaying zero respect for our political institutions and ways of life. (1)
On July 11th, the new Labour government announced it would release 5,000 prisoners early in September, with most having served 40% of their sentence.
On July 15th, we learned London’s Metropolitan Police had not solved a SINGLE petty crime -burglary, car theft, phone theft – in three years, across 166 areas.
On July 17th, it was reported that a Jordanian refugee, Mustafa al Mbaidan, who had assaulted a female police officer in Bournemouth, was spared community service on the grounds that he cannot speak English.
On July 18th, two asylum seekers, Yousef Garef and Amin Abdelbakar, who stole a Rolex worth £25,000 from a tourist, were spared jail.
On July 18th, that same day, mass rioting in minority communities broke out in Harehills after social services took four Romani children into social care.
On the same evening, rioting broke out in East London’s Bangladeshi community, following political unrest in Bangladesh, with rocks thrown at police officers and cars smashed in communities that are majority Muslim.
On July 23rd, it was announced that Anjem Choudary, Britain’s most famous Islamist, was to be sentenced for directing Islamist terror on Britain’s streets.
On the same day, a British Army Officer was repeatedly stabbed outside his home by Anthony Esan, a member of a minority community.
On July 26th, protests broke out after footage emerged of Greater Manchester Police taking action against Fahir and Amaad Amaas —two brothers who were later revealed to have severely assaulted armed officers.
On July 27th, six arrests were made after a drive-by shooting in the town of Watford.
On July 29th, reports emerged that a man had been stabbed to death, with two others injured, following a knife fight in a park in East London.
On the same day, there was the mass stabbing and murder of children in Southport.
On July 30th, a mass brawl involving machetes erupted on the streets of Southend.
On the same day, it was reported that a homeless Kurdish migrant had pushed a man onto the tracks at a London Underground station after feeling ‘disrespected’.
And, also on the same day, it was reported that another 3,000 migrants have entered Britain illegally on small boats since Labour took power less than a month ago, taking the total number of crossings by mainly young male migrants from countries like Afghanistan, Eritrea, Sudan, and Syria to around 130,000.
What do you expect?
When we see individual stories like this, in isolation, there is a very real risk that we become desensitised and accustomed to them.
It becomes the ‘new normal’.
It’s a classic case of boiling the frog.
If you want to boil a frog in hot water, as the saying goes, then start by turning the temperature up slowly. Get it right, and the frog won’t even notice it’s getting boiled.
But when you see all these stories together, side by side, the sheer scale of the lawlessness, the chaos, the breakdown of social order, and the glaring loss of control becomes impossible to ignore.
And all this against the backdrop of many other things that reflect the fact that the country is not really a country that we recognise anymore.
A string of Islamist terrorist attacks.
The murder of an MP, police officer and soldier by radicalised Islamists.
The mass grooming (2) of young white girls by Muslim gangs up and down the country.
The imposition of mass immigration. (3)
The total collapse of our borders. (4)
The rise of double-standard policing, where ever since October 7th radicals and extremists who hate who we are, who hate the West, (5) have been allowed to parade up and down the country while anybody from the white working-class who dares to do the same is automatically branded a ‘far right extremist’.
Again, what do you expect?
But now, amidst a new ruling class (6) that can no longer tolerate any criticism of the elite consensus, they either pass us by or are reframed so that the ‘real’ story is never actually about the real story.
It’s about ‘misinformation’, ‘disinformation’, ‘populism’, ‘racism’, or anything other than the actual cause.
And in the days ahead, after Southport, we will watch this playbook unfold again.
As after the Manchester Arena bombings and the murder of Sir David Amess, when atrocities committed by outsiders were ridiculously repackaged as warnings to ‘not look back in anger’ and ‘be kind on social media’, the national conversation will be managed and steered to focus on everything and anything except what this is about.
We will hear platitudes about diversity being our greatest strength.
We will be told to be kind and come together, to not look back in anger.
We will read about people joining together to clean up streets.
And we will be told that millions of our fellow citizens, the ones who are protesting, the ones who have had enough, do not represent the ‘real Britain’ or ‘our values’.
But whose values are we talking about, exactly?
Whose values are imposing mass immigration, segregation, communalism, and a broken model of multiculturalism on the rest of the country?
Whose values are eroding free speech, silencing dissent, and stigmatising everybody and anybody who does not rally behind this broken elite consensus?
Whose values are seemingly fine with having no serious control over our own national borders while asking the British people to pay billions for this disaster?
The values of an elite minority.
The values of no more than 15% of the country.
An elite minority that is now visibly losing control of the country and which, in the era of Twitter/X, YouTube, Substacks, and new media, is now also struggling to maintain its dominance over the national conversation.
This is exactly why – as I said last night (7) – millions of Brits feel so concerned about what is unfolding around them. It’s not just about the issues; it’s their growing awareness that the new ruling class has no serious interest in changing direction.
We are now all stuck in the same car, with the doors locked, hurtling toward a cliff-edge with the hands of an irresponsible, unpredictable radical on the steering wheel.
This is why many people feel they are losing their country –their identity, values, rule of law, ways of life, and can seemingly do nothing about it.
To make matters worse, they cannot voice their concerns because, if they do, they too will be branded ‘far right’, ‘racist’, and ‘misinformed’.
Join a protest in your capital city to flag your concerns about what’s happening? That’s far right. Protest after the murder of children? Far right.
In today’s world, where terms like ‘far right’ have been massively expanded by radical progressives to enforce groupthink and stigmatise anybody who does not get on board with the values of an elite minority, it is quicker to list the things that are not far right than list the things that are.
So, to be clear, what’s happening on the streets of Britain right now, in the aftermath of those hideous murders, is not about a single piece of ‘disinformation’, ‘misinformation’, some rogue tweet, or a video by a populist politician.
It is the culmination of decades of disastrous policies by our ruling class, the same class that’s now rushing to discredit anybody and everybody who points this out.
The policy of mass immigration which the vast majority of people in this country neither asked for nor voted for.
The complete breakdown of our borders, allowing tens of thousands of unvetted and often dangerous migrants from high-conflict societies into our country.
And the complete disinterest in thinking about how to sustain a cohesive, integrated, high-trust society.
For decades now, the very same politicians who are lining up to denounce much of the rest of the country as ‘far right’ have been pushing soft-on-crime policies while subjecting the British people to porous borders and mass migration from third-world countries where violence, disorder, and misogyny are the norm.
So, is it any wonder that our social fabric is now disintegrating before our eyes? Is it any wonder that mass immigration and the elite obsession with diversity —as academics warned twenty years ago— are now producing a low-trust society with spiralling crime, social atomisation, and growing division?
Is it any wonder that growing numbers of people are staring at their television screens and smartphones, wondering what is happening to the country they love and whether other people out there are thinking the same?
And is it any wonder that, having watched an assortment of radicals and extremists take to Britain’s streets to sing songs about how much they hate the West and Israel, a minority of British people are now doing the same, trying to exercise their voice in a system that no longer appears remotely interested in it?
No, of course it’s not.
What did you expect?
(1)  https://www.mattgoodwin.org/p/we-cannot-ignore-the-rise-of-sectarian?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
(2) https://www.mattgoodwin.org/p/we-can-deport-them-so-why-dont-we?utm_source=publication-search&utm_medium=email
(3)  https://www.mattgoodwin.org/p/britains-looming-demographic-crisis?utm_source=publication-search&utm_medium=email
(4)  https://www.mattgoodwin.org/p/the-small-boats-crisis-in-numbers?utm_source=publication-search&utm_medium=email
(5)  https://www.mattgoodwin.org/p/islamo-fascism-and-the-woke-left?utm_source=publication-search&utm_medium=email
(6)  https://www.mattgoodwin.org/p/we-are-being-led-by-fools?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
(7)  https://x.com/GoodwinMJ/status/1818562558627905977?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
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Trump Assassination Attempt Is The Wake Up We All Needed
THE RECENT assassination attempt on US Presidential hopeful Donald Trump sent shockwaves around the world.  Incredibly, reaction to the news was mixed.  Some were horrified whilst others seemed to be sorry that the attempt failed.
As National Liberals we’re completely opposed to political violence.  Indeed, we’re passionately in favour of free thought & free speech.  And we feel that virtually all political problems can be resolved by healthy & thoughtful debate – as opposed to violence.
However, as we’ve noted several times, we despair of what passes for ‘debate’ these days.  It seems to us that MSM is more interested in sensationalism, audience figures (& in some cases advertising revenue) than a true & reasoned debate.  How else can we explain how TV & radio debates end up with the interviewer constantly interrupting the interviewees?
Participants constantly talk over each other, make allegations & read extra meanings into what someone has said.  It appears that ‘optics’ & likes on social media are driving factors rather than truth & honesty.  Indeed, cancel culture seems to be the order of the day.
With the above in mind, and to provide context & try and make sense of the assassination bid, we reproduce an article by Moscow-born author & comedian, Konstantin Kisin.  It’s probably fair to say that Kisin is culturally conservative & is best known for presenting Triggernometry – a You Tube channel & podcast – alongside fellow comedian Francis Foster.
You can read the original article here:  https://www.konstantinkisin.com/p/trump-assassination-attempt-is-the  Please note that there are no official links between the National Liberal Party & Konstantin Kisin.
Trump Assassination Attempt Is The Wake Up We All Needed
I ATTENDED a private conference last week where I was introduced as “a man who has made a career of stating the self-evident”. While some might see this description as a slight, to me it is a source of tremendous satisfaction. In a society which has forced large swathes of its citizenry to pretend that what they see with their own eyes must never be uttered out loud, describing the obvious reality is a worthy endeavour. That being the case, what is the self-evident truth of the last 48 hours?
I woke up on Sunday morning to the news that President Trump had been shot in an assassination attempt. My phone was bursting with notifications; a mixture of concern and unprintable memes. Like many, I experienced a range of emotions. From shock, to relief that the assassination failed, to concern for the future of an America in which this sort of thing could happen.
What occurred at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania had — and may still have — the potential to be one of those singular moments in history which changes the world forever. One need not reach for the overused example of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which sparked the outbreak of World War I. Every significant revolution in modern history from the French, to the American to the Russian, was the product of events that no one could have predicted having the outcome they did. Likewise, the unanticipated and still-not-fully understood consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the terrorist attacks on 9/11, and the Global Financial Crisis plague us to this day.
Preoccupied with these historical precedents, my busy mind took many hours to settle. And it was only when it did that I realised the sad truth. There was one emotion I hadn’t experienced: surprise.
Obviously, I do not mean that I had prior knowledge of the attack or that I was aware of some sort of conspiracy to murder President Trump. I mean only that, for some time now, we have lived in a society in which this sort of thing could conceivably happen.
To be clear, this article is not meant to blame the assassination attempt on my favourite political complaint as politicians and commentators of every stripe have done over recent days.
Republicans attempted to present recent comments by President Biden in which he argued that enough time has been spent on debates about his mental acuity as the motivating factor for the attack. Apparently, we are supposed to believe that Biden incited the shooting when he said “We can’t waste any more time being distracted. I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump” before adding “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.” (1)  Marjorie Taylor Greene, whose main achievement is to demonstrate that a low IQ is no impediment to success in politics, went further, tweeting that “The Democrat party… just tried to murder Donald Trump.” (2)
Many Democrats, on the other hand, have, for once, abandoned their pretence of being the party of good people. YouTuber Destiny, who you might remember from a recent debate (3) on TRIGGERnometry, had a full mask-off moment when he celebrated the death of Corey Comperatore, a man whose only crime was to be in the crowd. Comperatore was killed as he dived on top of his daughter to protect her from the gunfire with the only thing he had: his body.
“A person in a crowd cheering for and supporting a traitor to this country caught a stray? I’m so sad, please” Destiny tweeted. (4)
Mehdi Hasan, meanwhile, spent the last few days using the attack to score political points, retweeting things like this to his 1.5 million followers:  https://x.com/JamesTate121/status/1812474974675825129?t=BB7i3ByFp_zRQfbJ_V56rw&s=08&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Naturally, all of this is abominable behaviour in and of itself–even more so when it concerns an event in which a man died and several others were seriously injured. But to focus on this would be to conceal a more fundamental and self-evident truth: the way we talk about our political opponents is simply criminal.
In this instance, the right will justifiably paint the rhetoric, jokes and military metaphors deployed by the left as the cause of the assassination attempt. The left will deflect by citing Donald Trump’s suggestion that the problem of Hillary Clinton could be solved by the Second Amendment (5) and other irresponsible comments. Both will be right because, as with most issues nowadays, whatever case you want to make, the evidence is all there. The real question for someone who doesn’t believe that jokes and metaphors make people shoot politicians is: “What is the context in which an attempt on the life of a presidential candidate is no longer surprising?”
Like you, I know nothing about the would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks. I heard someone on TV describe the 20-year-old as a “nutjob”. Is that the most logical explanation?, I thought to myself. After all, in a political climate in which Trump has been described as “Hitler”, “fascist”, “Nazi”, “dictator” and so on, would it really be crazy to assassinate him? I know that you and I are sensible, emotionally well-regulated people who never took these allegations seriously, whether we liked Trump or not. But not everyone out there is sensible, emotionally well-regulated or educated about history. What if you were a 20-year-old man? What if, like most 20-year-old men, you were seeking a mission worthy of your life? What if you were emotionally dysregulated? What if you lacked the judgement, IQ or plain common sense to disbelieve the people on your screens who kept screaming that he is a Nazi? What if you actually thought Trump was Hitler? In that situation, as a patriot and a dedicated citizen who wanted to go down in history, would you not be duty-bound to grab a rifle, climb on a roof and pull the trigger? After all, how would history remember a man who managed or even attempted to eliminate Hitler? Do we not make movies (6) about men like Colonel von Stauffenberg who did just that?
To be clear, I make no claim as to the shooter’s motivations. I am merely attempting to process my own lack of surprise at the assassination attempt itself. The self-evident truth is that we have ceased to love our neighbour. We may never know what the true reasons for the shooting of President Trump were, but what we do know is that it is time for this type of politics to end. Because if it doesn’t, something else will.
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Graham Littlechild – RIP

Graham Littlechild sadly passed away this year. He was a long standing member of the NLP until falling ill over the last few years. He was very active in leafleting until that time and stood in Council ward elections in London in 2010 and 2014. RIP

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Liberal Worker & Liberty & Nation Say … Wherever You Live – Shop Local & Support Self-Employed Workers This Autumn!


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