Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Category » Press Statements



All the main prospective candidates running for Mayor are focusing on housing. Given that house values have rocketed over the last few years and priced out most first time buyers it is understandable. However, rather than address that issue, they just talk about building more and more. By and large such properties would not be much cheaper to buy or rent because, under present policies, if Corporations keep buying and not renting properties and demand keeps on growing, due to a projected mushrooming of population (largely through immigration), we shall see prices keep rising for many years to come.
The problem of simply building more properties rather than better population control in London, including ensuring jobs and housing is available outside the Capital to accommodate people, is a recipe for disaster. Valuable Green spaces are being built upon, sufficient parking spaces are being ignored by the Mayor, and services are under strain as no-one really wants to pay for the necessary infrastructure.
Rather, we need a Mayor who will focus on protecting our existing Quality of Life instead of letting it all slide away in a fit of mass house building.
Furthermore, the two candidates representing the Labour and Conservative parties are career politicians. Who will represent the ordinary Londoner?
In the course of promoting our prospective Mayoral candidate, Upkar Singh Rai, we found that only one other candidate stood out as an non-establishment/anti-elitist figure, Mr Kane Khan of the newly formed Friends Party.


Kane Khan

Euro-sceptic and opposed to career politicians, Kane Khan is appealing to the Capital’s voters to back the ‘outsider’. He will be adopting our slogan of ‘Protecting the Quality of Life of Londoners’. The NLP has therefore decided to withdraw our Mayoral candidate in support of Kane Khan. We shall throw our weight behind his campaign to be elected Mayor of London and report on his policies and activities in due course.

The NLP will however be standing Upkar Singh Rai for the GLA constituency of Ealing & Hillingdon. We are presently leafleting the area. We need your help to raise the funds to stand, print flyers and place adverts. Can you help?
If you can leaflet please contact natliberal@aol.com.
If you can donate to Upkar’s campaign this can be made via http://nationalliberal.org/the-party-organisation/donate, transfer to the Bank of Scotland, NLP, 12-11-03, 06186181, cheques to the NLP mailed to the National Liberal Party, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4PJ, or you by pledge (£100 plus) to the Sponsorship Fund by e-mailing natliberal@aol.com.


Upkar Singh Rai

Upkar will be the Quality of Life candidate for Ealing & Hillingdon. He is presently running a campaign In support of local shopkeepers and the self-employed in the area. He will be expanding his campaign to Clean & Secure the streets by providing public toilets, more cleaners, and better local policing and surveillance to counter anti-social behaviour.

If you can leaflet please contact natliberal@aol.com.
If you can donate to Upkar’s campaign can be made via http://nationalliberal.org/the-party-organisation/donate, transfer to the Bank of Scotland, NLP, 12-11-03, 06186181, cheques to the NLP mailed to the National Liberal Party, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch, Essex RM12 4PJ, or you by pledge (£100 plus) to the Sponsorship Fund by e-mailing natliberal@aol.com.
If you wish to subscribe to our newsletters please send email to
National Liberal Party, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PJ
http://nationalliberal.org/ natliberal@aol.com
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NLP Press Release – Introducing our Candidate for London Mayor
After running a members only London Mayoral Primary, the National Liberal Party’s (NLP) executive National Council has announced that Upkar Singh Rai was victorious (with 69% of the votes) and will be the party’s official candidate for Mayor.
Upkar Singh Rai is an IT Consultant and Uber driver working in the city and lives in Ilford, Essex (see fuller biography*). He is also a member of the NLP’s National Council.
Upon hearing the result Upkar said, “I would like to thank all those who voted for me and I shall do my best to articulate mine and my party’s policies to protect and improve the quality of life in the capital.
He further said “London is fast approaching un-sustainability. A burgeoning population is putting undue pressure on housing (prices, numbers and the ‘quality’ of rented properties), green spaces (being built upon) and transport (growing number of people and cars). This is a major challenge for the new Mayor to address but I shall endeavour to offer some solutions and some ‘red lines’.
He added “I am also keen to find ways to promote community cohesion with the capital’s diverse population. I will for example to ensure that all Londoners have basic skills in English by offering free language classes. This will help them take part in society fully, and save government money that is currently spent on interpreters. I will also promote our belief in self-determination and promote our campaign to improve the identification of various ‘national’ communities e.g. Tamil and Sikh, in the all London-wide censuses. These are some of the main issues for a Mayor to address and it will constitute a large part of my campaign.”
Various pieces of literature and campaigning materials will be produced in due course to introduce Upkar to the Capital’s residents. A manifesto is being prepared. Please contact natliberal@aol.com to register your interest.
Upkar is also free to be interviewed by phone or mail. Contact: Press Officer Emma Rome
0782 8791801
* http://nationalliberal.org/the-party-organisation/national-council
National Liberal Party, PO Box 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PJ
http://nationalliberal.org natliberal@aol.com
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Migrant Diasporas call upon compatriots in Scotland to vote YES!
Over a 100 campaigners and activists attended a joint meeting of the NLP sponsored Nations without States, and the Parliamentarians for National Self-determination, plus the International Chamber for Peace and Conciliation, to discuss the forthcoming Scottish referendum.
Speakers of Kashmiri, Kurdish, Sikh, Tamil, Borneo and other self-determinist campaigns stressed the global importance of the referendum as a model for all states and governments – China, India, Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Sri Lanka – to follow. Campaigners unanimously passed a resolution supporting the Scottish YES campaign and urging all Scots to take this monumental opportunity to take their country forward as a free, equal independent state on the world map.
A press release is shown below:

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The National Liberal party debated the calls for Scottish independence when the Scottish Government consulted on the nature of the question(s) to be chosen at the proposed referendum.

Being a self-determinist party we were delighted that the referendum would take place. We believe referendums should be conducted throughout the globe to settle age-old questions of national identity. Perhaps half the world’s conflicts, if not more, are fought over such questions. The world will be more stable and peaceful if self-determination is embraced rather than resisted.

Opinion polls had consistently indicated that voters, after years as living as ‘Britons’, were nervous of supporting independence. However, a majority did want further devolution up to what is known as Devo-Max i.e. controlling all matters except Military, Currency and Foreign Affairs. We proposed that a third question i.e. for Devo-Max be on the proposed referendum. A ‘secret’ deal between respective PM’s scuppered that prospect (we believe that the deal will see DM given to Scotland if it votes NO, but there is no certainty).

Thus, there are only TWO choices facing Scottish voters, a YES or NO to outright Independence. Since we will not see another referendum, if at all, for the Scottish people for a generation so this is truly monumental.

It is also symbolic, as a peaceful model as to how national conflicts should be settled and, if the YES votes win, will inspire countless struggles for national recognition and liberation.

Therefore the NLP’s self-determinist pressure group, Nations without States, is calling for members of self-determinist communities in Scotland e.g. Tamil, Sikh, Kurds, Kashmiris etc to vote YES on September 18th!


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Stepping on Big Toes – Part 3

The previous two articles prophesised that certain vested interest groups in the UK and beyond would not take too kindly to the party’s adoption and promotion of self-determination and would inevitably react against it. A recent article in C4 criticised one of our eight European candidates for being in a far-right party some 25 years ago! Everyone can change and develop but those who oppose self-determination sadly can’t. This is the other candidate’s response. Read more »

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National Liberal PR: Scottish voters warming to DEVO-MAX option!
The National Liberal Party launched a campaign last month to get a third option (Devo-Max*) onto the Scottish Constitutional Referendum ballot paper.
Thousands of leaflets have been distributed throughout parts of Scotland. One area that has been heavily canvassed is Renfrewshire & Ayrshire, especially in Linwood, Johnston, Irvine and Ayr and the results have been stunningly positive!
Renfrew based NL Campaign Manager and Liberal Democrat defector, Glen Maney, reported “We were pleasantly surprised to find that many residents stated on the doorstop that the option of Devo-Max should be on the ballot in the interests of democracy or because they wanted to vote for it!”
He added “This confirms what most opinion polls show, that a majority of voters presently oppose independence but would still like the Scottish Government to have more powers, especially financial. Devo-Max would be a popular option and the people must therefore be given the chance to vote either for independence, the union or Devo-Max.”
MAY 11th consultation deadline
An official submission for the Scottish Government is being prepared and will be presented before the 11th May consultation deadline. Copies for the press will be available upon request.
The National Liberal Party is hoping to reclaim the support its’ predecessor, the Liberal National Party, once had. The party, a breakaway from the Liberals from the 1930’s over tariffs, had a number of MPs in the UK but was particularly strong in Scotland. Obtaining a national average of 5% (but much higher where it stood) for the 20 years it was in existence, it had MPs across Scotland from Edinburgh to Inverness to the Western Isles. They see themselves as a patriotic alternative to the Liberal Democrats.
The National Liberal Party will be producing more educational and outreach material concerning the Scottish Constitutional Referendum in due course. If members of the press would like to interview the Campaign Manager Glen Maney please contact him on 07545821414.
Attachments: Photo’s of one of the canvassers
* The party explains why it supports Devo-Max as a constitutional choice at http://nationalliberal.org/?p=3645 and why it envisages Devo-Max for all nations of the UK at http://nationalliberal.org/?p=3340

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