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We need money to promote Self-Determination For All! Can you help?
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY’S European-Election campaign is in full flow! As we’re such a small – and new – organisation, we’re obviously having to rely heavily on Social Media to promote our views. Such on-line work (especially via Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) is absolutely vital. As we’ve already noted:
Date: May 4, 2014
Categories: Events, Party News
Date: October 8, 2012
Categories: Events, NEWS CLIPS
Facing an Economy in Crisis, December 8th – 7.00 PM
Henry VIII Hotel
The event is the first one organised by the Democratic Reform Movement (DRM). The DRM is an international organisation, being designed to promote democratic reform around the world. It acts as a platform for cooperation between different organisations on specific campaigns; thus for example if it had existed before the May Referendum it could have coordinated campaigning actions between all the different ‘yes to av’ groups. It is being established at the moment. Thus its identity will be shaped by the organisations and people who get involved in the coming years. Our aims are to: promote democracy and progressive reforms; support systems of sharing and cooperation; create a better education system for all; encourage the removal of artificial barriers between peoples; and empower people at every level of governance.
If you would like any further details please comment on our facebook page:–
The following is an interview with Mr. Pramjit Sadra a director of a solar power company-Viking Renewable UK
Could you explain who you are and what company you represent?
My name is Pramjit Sadra I have lived and worked in Essex for 20 years. I represent Viking Renewable UK, presently based in Kingston, Surrey. The overseas arm of this company has built the 3rd largest solar farm in Spain which ranks as the 14th largest Worldwide. We are now building a similar farm in Bulgaria which is sold through a UK backed bond (this protects UK investors). The company has recently launched itself in the UK and although much of its overseas projects have been commercial it is presently focussing here in the domestic market.
What do you say are the main benefits of solar power?
There are a number of benefits which include a Guaranteed 25 Year Income, a significant saving on Electricity bills for those 25 Years, a degree of control over your energy use and protecting the future environment from pollution.
Some people suggest that our climate does not lend itself to exploiting solar power?
Due to the advancement of Technology that we now have available to us, Solar Panels are now designed to maximise the capture of UV rays which is its energy source. The problem of inclement weather has been overcome (Germany for example has been using Solar Power significantly for the last 20 years by way of a Feed In Tariff and this is a very similar climate to the UK!). Therefore, the Panels that we are now installing are able to work using the UV rays that can harnessed through any weather conditions.
What sort of cost is involved in installing solar power into the average domestic property?
There has been a significant development in the market for Solar Panels due to its popularity that, due to an increase in the number of manufacturers, has increased competition which, in turn has reduced the basic cost (It should be noted that some companies hold old stockpiles of panels and do not reflect the changes in the market so it is best to shop around).
We, for example, are able to offer a Standard Installation of 6 Solar Panels (1.5KW) at below £5,000!!! (This is due to our good working relationship with our Worldwide Suppliers). Sadly, the much laundered Government subsidies are not presently being offered. Nevertheless you should be able to obtain an income over expenditure within 3-5 years.
What do you think of the National Liberal policy to install solar panelling into all new properties?
I fully support the Party in the promotion of Clean Green Energy and will continue working towards its increased use.
How do you think we can increase the uptake of solar power in existing property/industry?
Basically it is a PR exercise since the figures stack up. By providing the most up to date information of Solar and Green Energy Solutions, I believe the uptake would grow exponentially. It is vital that the correct details are supplied to the public and industry alike, using any and all information outlets so that they can make an informed decision.
Thank you for taking part in this short interview perhaps you can continue to offer us your thoughts on renewable energy in the future. How do people get in touch with you if they want to find out more?
I would be delighted to contribute further. I will explain more about solar power and its industrial capacity in a future article. If anyone is interested in finding out more about solar energy they can contact me at or 07828 762521
Following the interview Mr Sadra offered his services as a Policy Advisor (Energy) which we gratefully accepted. We are keen to develop a range of policy advisors, whether specific or general. If you would like to offer your services please contact us at
Date: October 7, 2011
Categories: Events
Last weekend National Liberal activists met at a prestigious venue in Central London to discuss the way forward.
A full agenda discussed Ideology, Recruitment, Promotion, Literature, Policies and Campaigns. Delegates agreed that our first aim is to point out that there has always been a patriotic liberal tradition, represented by figures such as Joseph Chamberlain, Lord Roseberry and Sir John Simon. The NLP is here to breath life back into that tradition and to act as the ‘Patriotic conscience of Liberalism’. The meeting agreed to continue to highlight our anteceedents and to develop the National Liberal tradition. We would re-launch the Target 10 campaign and aim to target Liberal Democrat marginals highlighting those MP’s betrayal of Liberal and National values.
Recruitment was discussed. We should be appealling to a broad church of Liberals, Independents and the non-aligned. Greater effort would be put into Facebook promotion and reaching out to new sympathisers. More effort was required than before into turning supporters into actual members. The meeting agreed to producing ‘An Introduction to the National Liberal Party’ booklet and a leaflet focussing on just five key policies. A Policy Team and forum would ultimately look at policy in detail.
In the meantime delegates were urged to promote the National Liberal ‘Yes to AV’ campaign based on a ‘shake up the system’ theme. Our leaflet has recently been updated (copies can be obtained by sending £10 to NLP, PO BOX 4217, Hornchurch RM12 4PJ or by going to the Resources section under the Party Organisation drop bar). Councillor (and National Secretary) David Durant said “We haven’t had any meaningful electoral reform of how we elect our MPs for 100 years. We need to shake up the system. AV is just the start!”.
Elections were discussed and hopes were expressed for our candidate in the forthcoming local elections in Cuffley, Hertfordshire. Finally delegates agreed to promote the concept of the campaigning and cross-party Peoples Alliance. The latter is designed to allow small centrist parties to organise and promote themselves more efectively via this co-operative body rather than alone. The meeting ended with delegates agreeing to meet again later in the year to discuss progress. Everyone came away enthused and confident that National Liberalism would begin to influence UK politics. Anyone wishing to get involved should get in touch via
Date: April 6, 2011
Categories: Events
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