The Tories Are Killing Britain
SOME of you know me as the YoungPoliticalRadical, others know me without my screen name – simply as Robert.
For the last six years I have been involved in the political system of this nation, and for six years I have seen it become steadily less about the voters, and more about the political ambitions of the 1%.
When I started off – I started as a Conservative – something I regret now.
At 15 I was a young conservative in Scotland – a rare thing to say, but back then David Cameron was proclaiming hope for the British people after the failings of the labour party to protect the people of this country against the greed of the bankers, or the greed of itself.
Never in my younger life could I have imagined our nation targeting the sick and disabled, and giving a French IT company power over Doctors to decide the fate of those who require benefits to survive.
In this article I will outline the cruel bully tactics used by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to force the bill down on Welfare unjustly and inhumanely.
In my younger years I suffered from severe depression which often sparked suicidal delusions – I know what it’s like to be in the position of someone with no hope, and I was luckier than most: my still developing personality, that naturally most teenagers evolve, was able to combat the majority of the more serious side-effects of depression. I had a strong support network of friends, hobbies and family – unfortunately some are not so lucky.
It is for those who cannot speak or have had their voices crushed that I make this for.
The Welfare reforms of this country have been harsh, and have targeted the entirely wrong demographic; rather than attempting to give people hope or practical solutions to unemployment, the politically motivated DWP have begun a crusade against anyone they deem to be below their expectations of an ideal citizen – this is the new British genocide.
ATOS, a French company with very little practical experience in the medical sector, now have the power to send the most sick and disabled back to work.
Since the start of the power-mad Conservative reign we have seen our rights slowly, but surely, taken from us with little or no word from the press; the NHS is on its way to becoming a private sector asset in England and Wales; benefits no longer supply a sufficient income with real-term inflation rising beyond that of most of our European brother and sister nations.
Could you imagine receiving multiple surgeries to treat a life threatening condition that inflicted you with vast quantities of pain on a daily basis, and then told you were perfectly fit for work? I couldn’t, and I doubt many of those reading who have never experienced the pain of a broken body would either.
At one point our nation was once for moral freedoms and using the state to lift up those who needed assistance rather than crushing those who have no option to die.
Then we have the bedroom tax – the most insane and poor conceived taxation method to ever hit Europe – punishing people who require extra bedrooms for medical equipment; who have lost family members; or who worked for the majority of their life only to get the boot due to the economic nuclear assault caused by the greed of the pigs at the trough.
I believe we need welfare reform, however, not at this scale, nor at the demographic that is currently being targeted: the disabled, sick and young; those either too inexperienced, or too medically weak to pose much resistance to the government.
Do I feel that some levels of disability should require working? Yes.
My vision for the disabled that could potentially work is that they find an environment that fully complies with their needs; or alternatively I am a huge fan of ‘work from home’ methodology where those who suffer from anxiety related to public interaction are given light jobs at home using the power of the internet.
As a business student I see no advantages to forcing those too ill in to the work place; it lowers moral of workers; declines personal choice; can affect the standard of an office environment if someone is forcefully pushed in to a career that they have no chosen.

The David Cameron wonders how many more poor people he can kill off
Recently I attempted to contact those in the medical sector to comment for a much larger and in-depth piece for my own website; it’s extremely hard to find those willing to be outspoken against the DWP due to the bad-press they may receive.
If Doctors are afraid then what chance is there for the rest of us?
The British Medical Association’s Ethics Committee responded to my request for statements, and is as follows:
“BMA position
The BMA has for some time raised concerns about the WCA. We believe that the current process is insufficiently rigorous and consistent, and could cause avoidable harm to some of the weakest and most vulnerable members in our society.
The BMA has called for urgent reform to the WCA based on specific concerns about the system:
The computer-based process used to assess claims makes it very difficult for health professionals carrying out the assessments to exercise their professional judgement effectively. We strongly believe the computer system is in need of urgent reform.
The fact that initial decisions are overturned in almost 40 per cent of appeal cases reinforces these concerns. It means that large numbers of claimants are denied the full level of benefit that they are entitled to until their appeal is heard and a fresh decision is made, leaving many in an intolerable position.
That there has been a lack of progress in implementing the recommendation of the Harrington Report that decision makers should actively consider obtaining further documentary evidence in every case before reaching a final decision. If the recommendation is implemented appropriately, with GPs providing factual information, it should result in better-informed decisions being made about eligibility for ESA by DWP decision makers, earlier in the process. As well as making the system fairer for claimants, this should also significantly reduce the administrative cost of dealing with so many appeals.
What the BMA has done about these concerns:
We responded to the third Harrington review of the Work Capability Assessment call for evidence, outlining our concerns about the process. We will continue to respond to these yearly reviews, which are now being run by Dr Paul Litchfield.
We have held several meetings with the DWP to discuss our concerns.
We wrote to the Employment Minister Mark Hoban to outline our position on the WCA and express disappointment about the lack of progress in implementing the recommendation from the Harrington Report about collecting medical evidence early in the process.
We have produced numerous parliamentary briefings on the BMA’s position on the WCA.
We met with the Disability Benefits Consortium and Citizens Advice Bureau to get their perspective on the issue.
The Scottish GP Committee Chair, Alan McDevitt, gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament in June 2013 about the impact of the government’s welfare reforms and the WCA on general practice and patients.”
I remind readers that the BMA is the highest authority for medical practice in the United Kingdom.
People are dying due to welfare reform.
Our country is dying due to a Conservative government.
• Check out more of Robert’s articles:
The Lies Of Homeless And Social Housing (20 June 2013)
The Scandal of MPs Expenses (23 July 2013)
The National Liberal Party – For A Better Future! (14 August 2013)
Self-Help Or Helpless? (22 August 2013)
The New Age British Genocice (26 August 2013)
Date: September 5, 2013
Categories: Articles