Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Latest Issue Of St. Andrews Voice (Havering) Out Now!
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is well-known for the number of educational and outreach publications that it produces.

So far we’ve produced two issues of New Horizon, our ideological magazine and two issues of the Isle of Wight Voice. In addition to this, we’ve published one issue each of Caledonian Voice, English Voice, Kent Voice and Liberty & Nation. (Future issues of all of these titles are also in the pipeline.)

One of the main reasons why we produce all of these publications is to build an alternative media that can promote the concept of National Liberalism. This, in turn, attracts those who already have a deep interest in politics. Hopefully, these people will be interested in taking up positions within the NLP and thus become part of our national and regional infrastructure.

However, perhaps the most important of our publications is a local one – St. Andrews Voice which circulates in a council ward in Havering, Essex.

And the reason why it’s so important is simply because it is local.

This is because the vast majority of ordinary decent working folks have a matter–of-fact attitude to politics (and especially local politics.) They are simply not interested in lofty concepts like National Freedom and Social Justice or Civil and Religious liberties for all.

Instead, they will support and vote for political parties who address local issues like bin collections, cracked paving stones, pot holes and the like. This is where a publication like St. Andrews Voice comes into its own.

With local people producing it, it can discuss local issues and provide local answers. It can even be used to promote local activities – say, petitions, leafleting and so on – which will benefit the community. Indeed, our activists have been relentlessly leafleting with the latest issue of St. Andrews Voice since it was produced in very late August.

With this in mind, we’d encourage all of our members and supporters to consider starting up local publications which will deal with local issues. To do this, just follow these two simple steps:

• To get an idea of what a local publication looks like (both content and design-wise) just e-mail and ask for your FREE pdf copy of St. Andrews Voice

• Using the latest issue of St. Andrews Voice as a guide, write a few brief articles about local problems in your area. Don’t worry too much about the grammar and spelling as we can sort that end of things out. Send your articles to and one of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Even if your Voice isn’t immediately produced as a hard copy – maybe due to lack of local finances or manpower to help with distribution – it can still be produced as a pdf. This is a great step in the right direction as each publication produced helps us build up the infrastructure of our alternative media. Your Voice can then be viralled out and hopefully will attract local readers and support.

• FOR information about the last issue of St. Andrews Voice click here:
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