This Thursday (May 22nd) you have a chance of making history by voting for self-determination. This is why we call the day – Self-Determination Day!
If we can obtain over 200,000 votes you can elect an MEP to the European Parliament to take your/others national causes to a new level.
For the first time self-determinists are working together because there is strength in unity and whilst one group of Diasporas is not strong enough to make a difference on their own, the many are.
Despite our limited resources and inexperience our campaign has been a refreshing change to the establishment’s usual policies of smear and blame. In this election we stand for the principle of self-determination, nothing less nothing more. Furthermore, if elected we will be taking a team of eight to Brussels to research, lobby and raise everyone’s profile without fear or favour.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Vote National Liberal Party-Self-determination for all! on May 22nd. Future generations depend on it!
Date: May 18, 2014
Categories: Articles, Party News