Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Doris Jones is a member of the NLP’s National Executive. She was originally born in Sabah, North Borneo. Although she has lived in the UK for many years she is still concerned with, and campaigns under the banner of the Sabah Sarawak Union (SSU), for the rights of her compatriots in Sabah and next door Sarawak, presently under Malaysian (read Malayan) rule. Due in part to her and others call for Independence for those two countries, there has been an upsurge in Sabah and Sarawakan nationalism, often expressed in the flying of their national flag(s).

So concerned are the Malaysian authorities that they are now threatening to arrest activists under their notorious Sedition Act that originated in colonial times. The act criminalises speech with what is called a “seditious tendency”, for example that which would “bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against” the government.

In a modern democracy free speech is sacrosanct. Beyond inciting violence, orators can call for opposition to a government, its policies and even its right to govern parts of its territory. Alex Salmond and the SNP have never been arrested for calling for independence but it seems citizens within ‘Malaysia’ are. Below we reprint Doris’s response to the threat.


I was born in Sabah, North Borneo. I used to work for an Accountant and for an Australian Judge.

Life was and is more miserable in Borneo due to the Internal Security Act as orchestrated by the Federation of Malaysia Govt. In response I started to take a role as a moderator of SSKM- Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (‘Sabah Sarawak Leave Malaysia’) Facebook group for the purpose of running a campaign of awareness and education for the people of North Borneo.

After 3 years, I and my co-partner decided to register the group by the name of Sabah Sarawak Union (UK), under the United Kingdom’s Jurisdiction. Our campaign has grown in the last 4 years and more of our younger generations are rising up for our Nation. The senior citizens are only just beginning to stir and we hope more will too when they realise the truth about the status of North Borneo; hidden by Federal Govt of Malaysia for 51 years.

I, personally, do not agree with the Internal Security Act (Malaysia) and Seditious Act (Malaysia) which is a violation of Human Rights. I trust many of my Borneo Nation will agree with me.

In reaction to this campaign for awareness, against injustice and human rights violations, the Malaysian Government has decided to put my name onto the list of those falling under (committing an offence of) the Seditious Act. I am also disappointed that the High Commissioner of Police in Sabah has come out with a false statement that his team had tried to make contact to me for an investigation but had received no response? That was a lie. No ONE has contacted me in person or by any other means.

In this regard, I insist the Sabah Police High Commissioner, Datuk Jallaluddin or the representatives of the Malaysia Government e.g. the Malaysian Home Office Minister and Prime Minister, presents the alleged evidence and I will stand up in a United Kingdom court to challenge his and the Malaysia Government’s accusations. We should not be afraid of the truth and JUSTICE SHOULD NOT BE DENIED.

Doris Jones

Sabah Sarawak Union (UK)

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