Sunday, 5 January 2025

1% NHS Pay Rise Is A Disgrace!

Cameron & Clegg don’t care about ordinary working families. Their only loyalty is to the super-rich elite.

THOUSANDS of NHS workers in England have reacted angrily at the news that they will only get a 1% pay rise.  Other staff receiving automatic ‘progression-in-job’ increases, will not even get this below-inflation pay rise.  Is it any wonder that they feel that the announcement – made by Tory Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt earlier this month – is an absolute disgrace?

The National Liberal Party agrees with their view.  We feel that NHS workers – like other public sector workers – are the ‘backbone’ of Britain.  Without them, the country would probably slowly grind to a halt.

However, this government has absolutely no interest in the people it employs.  If Cameron and Clegg did, they would – at the very least – give their workforce an increase in line with inflation.  This would give ordinary working families a chance to ‘tread water.’  As it stands, families of NHS workers (especially those on lower incomes) could well become partly dependent on benefits.

As usual, the Con-Dem government claims that there is ‘no money’ to pay all NHS workers.  However, we feel that this is very hard to believe.

Even discounting the way the banks are on the fiddle – where they create ‘money’ out of thin air and then charge interest on it – it seems to us that there’s lots of money about.  We suggest that the government looks at the following:

• The super-rich wide boys and multi-national corporations who avoid paying their fair share of tax by hiding their money in off-shore accounts.

• The fact that if the US invaded Iran tomorrow, we’d follow them, hanging on their    imperialist coat-tails.  We always seem to find money for war – so why can’t find money for peaceful reasons, like giving NHS staff a decent pay rise?

• The amount of foreign aid that we provide.  How much of it really goes to the needy and how much of it is ‘diverted’ into the pockets of private individuals?

The only problem is that Cameron and Clegg have no interest in ordinary working folks.  Their main priority appears to be appeasing the super-rich elites.  These elites have no loyalty to their nation or people.  Their only loyalty is to making obscene profits and lording it up’ over the rest of us.

The National Liberal Party believes that ordinary working folks should be put first – paid decent wages and receive adequate pay rises.

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