Saturday, 27 July 2024

English Voice 2 Coming Soon!

ISSUE 2 of English Voice – the voice of the National Liberal Party in England – should be out towards the end of the month.

This issue will describe the NLPs vision of England – one based on pride and a positive love for our people and nation.  We do not hate others.  Neither do we regard ourselves as superior to others.” This England will not “be involved in the internal affairs of other nations.” It isn’t interested in dominating others and has “no imperialist wishes or desires.”

From this it’s clear that EV2 puts clear blue water between our vision (of England and the English) and that of others who’re basically right-wing Tories. Our sense of England and the English is based on identity, culture, history and heritage – not the outcome of the 1966 World Cup Final!

It also calls for the establishment of an English parliament.  This means that England can be placed on a level footing with Scotland, Ulster and Wales (who all have national assemblies or local parliaments.)  EV2 feels that once England is liberated from Westminster’s absolute rule” it can start to tackle the very serious national, social and economic problems that it faces.

• To pre-order your FREE pdf copy, simply e-mail natliberal@aol and ask that issue 2 of English Voice is sent to you as soon as it is available!
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