Saturday, 7 September 2024

Issue 154 of Fourth World Review out now!

JOHN PAPWORTH is the founder, former editor and Editorial Board member of Fourth World Review. In his 4WR Supporters Bulletin (see our article here tales-from-the-liberty-wall-4wr) he mentioned the cover of issue 154 and said “I can guarantee that it’ll be a case of ‘once seen, never forgotten!’”

As can be seen from our reproduction, he wasn’t wrong!

The cover relates to an interview with Dr. Vernon Coleman, the well-known anti-EU activist and author. As the June 4WR Supporters Bulletin notes:

“However, like us, he believes that government is far too big and centralised to be properly subject to genuine democratic control. Indeed, his description of the EU as akin to living in “a Fascist and Statist EU sector” is right on the money. With this in mind, readers will appreciate how appropriate the cover of this issue of 4WR is!”

The interview with Dr. Coleman (conducted by Wayne John Sturgeon) also includes his take on vegetarianism, meat, diet, vaccines, vivisection and nuclear power.

As the above mentioned bulletin also says:

“To say that Dr. Coleman is not afraid of stimulating debate by ruffling a few feathers is probably the understatement of the year! Some might find some of his views controversial – nevertheless they are thought-provoking, to say the very least.”

This new issue also includes an interview with Henry Law of the Land Value Taxation Campaign.

The aim of the Land Value Taxation Campaign is to persuade the UK government to implement legislation which would lead to the progressive replacement of existing taxes on labour and wealth creation by a charge on the annual rental value of land, as the main source of public revenue. This is usually referred to as Land Value Taxation (LVT).

In a wide-ranging interview, Mr. Law also touches on Catholic Social Teaching, the economic ideas of Henry George and Distributism.

Other features of 4WR include a clear, well-written and informative article (Panjaab – A Forgotten Palestine! A Small Nation Versus Indian Superstate) by Sikh nationalist Jagdeesh Singh. (Jagdeesh is a Committee of the National Liberal Party’s Pressure Group, Nations without States.) A new series, Raising a Voice for Small Nations, also includes updates from Sri Lanka and Sicily.

John Papworth also has an excellent article, Political Progress. In it, he notes that:

“At heart we are engaged in a battle between the power of morality and that of money. We can only win by making the local community, the place where personal relationships can prevail over impersonal mass power relationships, a significant core of decision-making power.

It is a conclusion demanding a vast educational effort to resolve the multitudinous problems involved in the restructuring of power in society from the ground up rather than the top down.”

4WR is anxious to promote this “vast educational effort” via a dual approach – the production of a leaflet that’ll raise the existing profile of the magazine and the production of hundreds – if not thousands – of local publications which’ll help popularise its ideas. Thus, the folks at 4WR “are looking for people who would be willing to help with the financing, writing, production and distribution of these newsletters.”

They eventually aim to raise substantial funds to employ several full-time staff. 4WR says that “there’s plenty of vested interests (various political parties, the media and big business) promoting ideas of excessive and unrestricted growth.”

The National Liberal Party would highly recommend 4WR. To get hold of your copy, simply e-mail and ask for a FREE pdf copy of issue 154.

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