After long fight, county council give go ahead to anaerobic digester and composter!

Way back in 1783 one of the first ever hydrogen balloon flights in France was subject to an attack by terrified local peasants when it landed in a field where they were working.
The peasants not knowing any better thought that it was the moon falling from the sky and destroyed the balloon with pitchforks and knives. Today we look back and cannot blame the local peasants for they were uneducated and did not know any better as a balloon was something they had never seen before let alone could comprehend.
Scroll forward to the years 2011 to 2012 and we find little has changed as the degree of prejudice and ignorance remains much the same in some so-called educated folk. When our local farmers in Northaw and Cuffley proposed an environmentally friendly green anaerobic digester and composter (to produce chemical free fertilizer and provide electricity to the national grid), you would have thought somebody was proposing to build a nuclear power station or a military base for cruise missiles and B52 bombers. Northaw and Cuffley does differ however from the peasants in France in 1783 in that it was not just some of the older local folk who opposed this green renewable energy source but the local conservative councillors on both the district and the parish councils. And all despite there being much publicity in the media about the manifold benefits to such devices ( I have seen articles in the Sunday “heavy’s” and they have been mentioned in a highly positive light on both “the archers” on radio and the “ country file on TV” amongst others).
I will not bore you with the uneducated tripe that the elderly councillors came up with to oppose this scheme as quite clearly they thought it was some kind of glorified incinerator and indeed some local folk were quite clearly under the misunderstander that an anaerobic digester and an incinerator are one in the same thing.
Being a councillor for the National Liberal Party I felt it was my duty to give a balanced view on the anaerobic digester and composter and indeed I was the only councillor to write to the press to support the local farmers in their application, much to the consternation of my fellow councillors! I have been like a mole working underground lobbying the county council for the approval of the above and also enlightening the local populous as to what an anaerobic digester really is. I am pleased to report that the country council in their enlighten wisdom have how voted for the approval of the project which we in the National Liberal Party have been proud to support!
Councillor Brent Cheetham