Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Category » UK News

Towards a ‘Distributist’ Economy
As we have pointed out in an earlier article the idea, that a greater spread of business ownership throughout the workforce would improve productivity, personal happiness and the spread of wealth, is a key principle in National Liberal economic thinking.
That is why we welcomed the recent comments from the Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg in favour of a ‘John Lewis’ economy. Although we have our differences e.g. over Europe, tuition fees and sticking to pledges, on this point we can agree. What he meant by that phrase was an increase in the number of employee owned companies, largely through share ownership. Unlike the PM’s support for greater shareholder control (which would primarily still be absentee investors), a firm like John Lewis is a form of cooperative. It is a little known secret but there are already there are over 1.4 million Co-operatives across the globe, with over 1 billion members. In the UK there are 5,450 independent co-operative businesses in the UK, working in all parts of the economy, a small but significant force (see

Go further
We would go further than the Lib Dems and support a whole-scale move towards a ‘Self-employed, Partnership and Co-operative economy’ i.e. A ‘Distributist’ economy. All of them are examples of worker ownership, the former a ‘pure’ one being sole owners but, where the business requires numbers, then a co-operative fulfils the principle.
We would also go further than Nick Clegg and ensure that the tax system operates to favour Co-operatives and the self-employed. This is a solution to our long term prosperity that ‘Liberals’ (National or otherwise) can get behind. If you fall within the above economic sector let us know what you think?
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Those who profess to love their country often talk about the ‘state of the nation’ as regards its’ position or standing in the world and even sometimes the welfare of its’ citizens. Very few however talk about its’ environment, its’ ecology, its’ aesthetic appeal or natural resources.
The land upon which we stand is as much a part of the nation as its’ people. Indeed, whilst populations change through migration, the land (as apart from the environment) never does. Yet, very few so-called patriots concern themselves with the state of that land i.e. our environment. Fearful of the impact of immigration or EU ‘grabs for power’ they ignore the despoiled countryside or the lack of greenspace in our towns/cities. Yet ironically, urban (over) development is often as a direct result of a burgeoning population and the need to serve its interests/needs.
Liberals too have largely focused on economic growth and free trade which will also, if uncontrolled, lead to over-development with less greenspace and more concrete.
A more green and generally more progressive outlook is offered in the booklet ‘A Declaration and Philosophy of Progressive Nationalism’ by Tim Bragg and Graham Williamson. Directed largely to self-professed ‘patriots’, in an attempt to wean them off their blinkered obsessions, its message is also relevant to liberals obsessed with economic growth. We have a number of these copies for sale. If you want one please e-mail us at and we will organise it now!
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Introducing NEW HORIZON
In recent days, the historian Eric Hobsbawn said that the Arab Spring reminded him of the 1848 Revolutions in Europe (which were largely inspired by National Liberals). As the ‘developing’ world looks around for an alternative to their oppressive regimes and the West suffers from the debt fallout of ‘neo-liberal’ economics, we are beginning to see the green-shoots of national liberalism reappear. Individuals from around Europe and further afield in Africa are expressing an interest in the ideology of national liberalism and the answers it can offer them as a way out of the mess their politicians/regimes have created. We hope to gave a voice next year to some of them. In the meantime, we are publishing our first issue of our new ‘ideological’ magazine – The New Horizon. We hope this will inspire our growing band of adherents to take that first step of translating ideas into action!

Please click on poster to download the first issue

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Britain’s membership of the EU – Let the People (always) decide!

AT THE END of last month we reported on the vast gulf that existed between Parliament and the people. This gulf was demonstrated when members of the Con-Dem Government and the Labour-led ‘Opposition’ voted against allowing the British people a vote in a referendum on the EU.

Britain's membership of the EU - Let the People (always) decide!

483 MPs voted against allowing a referendum – whilst 111 voted for. Those that voted against a referendum voted against democracy!

According to a recent poll for the Guardian “Some 70% of voters want a vote on Britain’s EU membership.”

This means that less than 500 MPs can frustrate the views of 70% of the people! So much for Parliamentary democracy and Westminster representing the will of the people!

However, the people who collected 100,000 signatures – which led to the referendum debate in the House of Commons – have not taken this undemocratic result lying down!

For the Campaign for a Referendum (a cross party initiative) has just launched another petition!

Explaining the thinking behind this new petition, the CfaD say:

“When the French, Dutch and Irish voted No to the EU constitutional and Lisbon Treaties, they were asked to vote again. We must force our MPs to do the same. There are loads of other petitions but they are too similar to the one that was granted a debate so therefore will get rejected by the committee responsible.

The EU REFERENDUM CAMPAIGN have started a new petition, it is worded differently so the EU can be re-debated due to a clause in the programme for Government, that the people will be able to table their own bill. Like what happened in other European Counties let’s keep having them vote until we get the ”right” result!!”

The National Liberal Party fully supports this new initiative. We are great believers in direct democracy and feel that all major decisions should be made via national referendums. Whatever your views on the EU, at the end of the day it must come down to the people’s choice and NOT professional politicians!

You can sign the new EU Referendum petition here:

After signing the EU Referendum petition, why not also sign the NLPs petition calling for true democracy and true representation. You can find it here:
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Referendums still the way forward!

Despite the failure of the Parliamentary Referendum bid over the UK’s involvement in the EU, the use of referendums to decide upon major issues is the way forward. Indeed the Coalition’s three-line whip (the strongest ‘threat’ in their parliamentary armoury) shows how frightened the politicians are of the people. The professional politicians consistently take decisions which are unpopular, costly and often downright wrong!

The National Liberal Party recently launched a petition calling upon the use of referenda to decide policy on major issues. We feel the people have been ignored for long enough and the country mismanaged by politicians with their own concerns and aspirations at heart, and not those of the people or the country. We feel it is time to consult the people!

There are two things you can do:


Whatever you party political affiliation and no matter who you vote for, if you feel the people need to be consulted and not ignored, please add your signature to our petition at


Dear Editor,

A recent survey by the Parliamentary Committee on Standards in Public Life showed only 26% of people actually trust politicians, possibly because of the way they have continuously mismanaged the country and ignored the opinions of the people? For example, we have bureaucrats in Brussels imposing laws upon us, bankers bailed out through our taxes and many of those who we trust to serve us in Parliament abuse their position for personal gain. Is this really democracy or just a very poor imitation?

Things are different in one of the most successful countries in the world, a country which is not being gobbled up by the EU superstate, and which has real democracy at its heart, Switzerland. It may not be perfect in a number of ways, but at least it is a country that via referenda trusts its people as part of the decision making process. Most recently the Swiss opposed nuclear power via such a referendum.

There are so many important issues which need to be decided upon in this country, but not by politicians who seem detached from the real world, but by ordinary people that have to deal with everyday issues. Direct democracy needs placing on the agenda, so people can decide amongst other issues, on our future in Europe, whether we go to war, levels of immigration and whether we should have an English Parliament.

The National Liberal Party has therefore launched a petition for the extended use of referenda in our political system as in Switzerland. This form of direct democracy would mean the opinions of the people on major issues could no longer be ignored. I urge anyone that supports the extended use of referenda to sign the petition at

Yours sincerely

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The economy – the ‘other side’

National Liberals believe we need to encourage workplace ownership and support the growth of the ‘third economic’ sector i.e. the self-employed wherever possible. Where not, we favour smaller rather than larger businesses and where practical co-operatives. It is inevitable however that many workers will still work for ‘someone else’ and whilst society benefits from the fruits of everyone’s labour there is ‘another’ more personal side to economic endeavour, namely, industrial relations e.g. the working relationship between employees and owners/management.

A satisfied workforce will always work harder and more efficiently but with the best will in the world there will always be some managers and/or owners who will mistreat their employees. Employment law was brought in to protect such employees from the unfair treatment. In the event, for example, of dismissal, an employee has the right to seek remedy via an Employment Tribunal. Presently, that employee must have worked at least one year for the company.

Big Business reward?

The Coalition however, in its proposed ‘Employers Charter’, intends to increase that to two years saying that it will make it easier for businesses to take staff on because it will allay employers’ fears of vexatious tribunal cases? Yet the Government admits that this move will only reduce tribunal cases (including many justified ones) by 2,000. It is hard to believe that businesses don’t take on staff because they can’t sack them after a year? In reality it will simply be a ‘Bad Bosses Charter’ as it will allow them to dismiss hundreds of thousands more employees with impunity. The motive no doubt designed to reward big business for their political support rather than reducing unemployment.

E-mail now!

Whilst we might expect such a move from the Conservatives we didn’t expect it from their Liberal partners. We urge everyone including all Liberals (national or social) to urgently write to the Business Secretary and Liberal Democrat Vince Cable MP. E-mail the following:

Dear Mr Cable,

We are concerned to hear that the Government is considering introducing an Employers Charter which includes proposals for increasing the period at which an employee is legally protected from an unreasonable employer from one to two years.

This is a fundamental attack on employee rights. We are particularly dismayed to learn that this has the backing of the Liberal Democrats. We urge the Coalition, especially the Liberal Democrats, to think again and to withdraw this specific proposal and retain the one year protection from unfair dismissal which applies in most cases.

Further we call on the ConDem coalition to abandon plans to introduce a payment into court before an action against an employer can be brought.

Also sign the petition to Nick Clegg at now!

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