Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Category » UK News

NLP Submission to the Scottish Government

THE National Liberal Party will soon be contacting Alex Salmond concerning the proposed draft Scottish Constitutional Referendum Bill.

David Kerr – pictured left – a member of the NLPs Steering Committee – has been tasked with drawing up our submission to the Scottish Government. This is the body which will consider all details and options relating to the vote on Scotland’s future.

The NLPs submission is likely to focus on two main areas.

The first is the need to have a truly democratic vote. As it stands at the moment, this is not possible as Scots will only be allowed to choose between two options. These are independence and the union.

We feel that this is unfair and unjust. The NLP believes that at least one other option should be provided. This ‘third option’ would be Devo-Max, an idea which is gaining ground in Scotland. (Briefly, Devo-Max will keep Scotland in the United Kingdom but it’ll have the power to raise and spend its own money. Westminster will only look after ‘UK wide’ services like Defence and Foreign Affairs. The NLP believes that Devo-Max is an important option that many people would prefer.)

To this end the National Liberal Party is busy campaigning in Scotland on the issue of having a ‘third option’ on the ballot paper.

The second objective of our submission will be to raise the idea of a Scottish Preferendum – as opposed to a Scottish Referendum.

A preferendum is a multi-option voting process for use in decision-making. The procedures for a preferendum cover both the debate which precedes the vote, as well as the vote-and-count. A referendum, on the other hand, is a direct vote in which an entire electorate are asked to either accept or reject a particular proposal.

Although they may sound similar, a preferendum is much more democratic that a referendum. A preferendum also ensures that more people are happier with the eventual outcome. Here’s how:

Say the Scottish Referendum only allows people to vote for one of two choices. At the moment that’s either independence or remaining part of the union. Even if a majority – say 51 per-cent voted for the union – that leaves a sizeable minority (49%) opposing it.

Additionally, if the Scottish Referendum included Devo-Max on the ballot paper, many people can also be left bitterly disappointed.

Say 31 percent of Scots vote for the union. 30 per-cent may vote for Devo-Max and 29% for independence. Here it can be seen that overwhelming majority (59 to 31%) have voted against union.

With a referendum, the largest minority wins! Such a referendum can’t really be said to truly reflect the mood of a country. It can’t really be said to be a truly democratic vote.

However, in a preferendum, the electorate can cast a vote in favour of a whole spectrum of ideas.

Say there are three options – the union, Devo-Max and independence. The voter can cast 3 points for their most preferred option, 2 points for their next favourite and 1 point for their last choice.

At the count, all the points for each of the options shall be totaled and expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible score as a level of consensus. The option which gets the greatest number of first preference votes wins.

The National Liberal Party feels that this would be a much more democratic way of conducting business. It leaves the vast majority of people happy – and, importantly, less people will feel cheated.

As we noted in a previous article – Scottish Update of 24 March 2012 – those interested in helping out with the NLPs submission should contact us at as soon as possible.

We hope to have our submission in towards the end of this month, so look out for more news on this in the very near future.

In the meantime, information about Preferendums can be found here:

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Dirty Linen OR Sir Leveson Commission

The ongoing Leveson Commission is an inquiry is into the culture, practice and ethics of the press. This came about of course following the scandal of the News of the World wholescale ‘hacking’ of phones to find/create stories.

Our resident poet Jasan’s latest offering is titled “Dirty Linen” or “Sir Leveson’s Commission” which he says is actually revealing an unholy alliance of corruption at the higest levels of society of Britain.

He says“Corruption is at the core of the British Society which is shocking to the hard working ordinary folks of Britain. Police, Media, Media Barons, Lords and Sirs and Commissioners all caught in this web of deception and dirty alliance.”
Dirty Linen

Blessed be the people of Britain

For living in ignorance

Of the high society’s dirty linen

Which for the sake of democratic prudence

Sir Leveson charged in public to wash

And the details let’s hope not end in a tosh

Unholy alliance of cops and media barons

Phone tapping’s to fill gossip columns

Payments to become lords and barons

All shameful episodes within British realm

Rotten to the core the establishment,

Rules all seem vaguely bent for small payment

Blessed be the ordinary folks of Britain

For who rules never a burden

Rather it punishes them to be in prison

While high society’s crimes end in commissions

So Barons, Lords, Sirs and Police Commissioners

Walk free to flaunt laws again as Board Members

© All rights reserved. Requests for permission to reproduce or translate-whether for sale or non-commercial distribution, should be addressed to Jason, e-mail
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When Owners Will Work and Workers Will Own!

A COUPLE of days ago, we carried an article about how Tesco’s were very happy to use the Con-Dem government’s work experience scheme (1). Amazingly, Tesco’s have now changed their minds – no doubt due to the bad publicity the ‘Workfare’ scheme has recently attracted.

Tesco’s problems arose when a group of Right To Work (2) activists ‘invaded’ and occupied the Tesco Express store at Portcullis House, Westminster. The location of this branch of Tesco’s ensured mass media publicity.

Although the Right To Work group is a Socialist Party front organisation (3) we applaud them for dramatically exposing the ‘Workfare’ system as nothing short of slave labour.
According to the Right To Work group’s web-site, they are
“a national campaign and for the last couple of years we’ve been the people in the room arguing for a combination of strikes, direct action and occupations as a means of defending public services, the welfare state, stopping the cuts and fighting job losses. We’ve said time and time again it’s not our crisis and we won’t pay for it.”
The National Liberal Party agrees with this view. We willingly fight for the idea of ‘a fair days wage for a fair days work’.
However, we’d go way beyond this by demanding that the present capitalist system be progressively dismantled and replaced by a society which is Distributist i.e. wider ownership in tone. As part of this, we’d like to see the breakup of massive multinationals – like Tesco’s – and replace them with do this co-operatives. Here, owners will work and workers will own.
With this in mind, we were interested to see the latest issue of British Worker, the ‘paper of Solidarity Trade Union’, which we have just received.
Issue 6 looks at the high number of high street names that have recently gone into administration. This has particularly hit retail workers hard – many of whom are young, female and poorly paid.
Of particular interest to us, in order to halt this downward spiral, British Worker argues that:
Instead of throwing workers onto the dole – perhaps never to find a meaningful job again – wouldn’t it be better to temporarily nationalise large companies that go into administration? Jobs will be saved – and a wage will still be coming in. Terms and conditions of employment would be guaranteed. These companies can then later be run as one – or several – cooperatives once trading conditions improve.”
We’d encourage members and supporters of the National Liberal Party to examine and discuss these proposals (albeit printed in agitprop form!). To get hold of issue 6 of British Worker, simply e-mail and ask them for your FREE pdf copy!




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Every Little Helps Tesco’s
THE CON-DEM GOVERNMENT’S work experience scheme is little more than an attempt to introduce a system of slave labour for young unemployed Britons. That’s the view of the National Liberal Party.

A spokesman for the NLP said:
“Chris Grayling Minister for Employment has been quoted as saying that ‘the idea that providing work experience for unemployed young people is some kind of forced labour is utterly and completely absurd’. However, we beg to differ.”

The NLP notes that some youngsters on the ‘Workfare scheme’ have to put in a 30 hour week for six to eight weeks. They don’t receive any additional pay on top of their Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), which they are threatened with losing if they do not participate.

Some of those attending the ‘Workfare scheme’ are promised a guaranteed job interview at the end of it. However, getting a guaranteed job interview – as opposed to a guaranteed job – are two different things.

For instance, the multinational giant, Tesco’s has taken on over 1,000 ‘volunteers’ over the last four months, but only about 300 have received jobs at the end of it.

The NLP notes that the ‘Workfare scheme’ smacks very much of the Thatcher Government’s actions in the 80s. Here, to fiddle the unemployment figures, the Tories listed people under new titles and/or schemes.

The NLP spokesman said:

“Personally, I feel that this current system is much worse since it lines the pockets of Tesco’s at the taxpayer’s expense! If someone is working they must receive the minimum wage. This is the complete opposite

We also have to bear in mind that the Conservatives would never have brought in the National Minimum Wage – so they have no interest in protecting it. The fact that it is Tesco who is benefiting also opens up questions relating to the company’s relationship (if any) with politicians.”

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When Owners Will Work and Workers Will Own!

A COUPLE of days ago, we carried an article about how Tesco’s were very happy to use the Con-Dem government’s work experience scheme (1). Amazingly, Tesco’s have now changed their minds – no doubt due to the bad publicity the ‘Workfare’ scheme has recently attracted.

Tesco’s problems arose when a group of Right To Work (2) activists ‘invaded’ and occupied the Tesco Express store at Portcullis House, Westminster. The location of this branch of Tesco’s ensured mass media publicity.

Although the Right To Work group is a Socialist Party front organisation (3) we applaud them for dramatically exposing the ‘Workfare’ system as nothing short of slave labour.
According to the Right To Work group’s web-site, they are
“a national campaign and for the last couple of years we’ve been the people in the room arguing for a combination of strikes, direct action and occupations as a means of defending public services, the welfare state, stopping the cuts and fighting job losses. We’ve said time and time again it’s not our crisis and we won’t pay for it.”
The National Liberal Party agrees with this view. We willingly fight for the idea of ‘a fair days wage for a fair days work’.
However, we’d go way beyond this by demanding that the present capitalist system be progressively dismantled and replaced by a society which is Distributist i.e. wider ownership in tone. As part of this, we’d like to see the breakup of massive multinationals – like Tesco’s – and replace them with do this co-operatives. Here, owners will work and workers will own.
With this in mind, we were interested to see the latest issue of British Worker, the ‘paper of Solidarity Trade Union’, which we have just received.
Issue 6 looks at the high number of high street names that have recently gone into administration. This has particularly hit retail workers hard – many of whom are young, female and poorly paid.
Of particular interest to us, in order to halt this downward spiral, British Worker argues that:
Instead of throwing workers onto the dole – perhaps never to find a meaningful job again – wouldn’t it be better to temporarily nationalise large companies that go into administration? Jobs will be saved – and a wage will still be coming in. Terms and conditions of employment would be guaranteed. These companies can then later be run as one – or several – cooperatives once trading conditions improve.”
We’d encourage members and supporters of the National Liberal Party to examine and discuss these proposals (albeit printed in agitprop form!). To get hold of issue 6 of British Worker, simply e-mail and ask them for your FREE pdf copy!




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Scottish Devo-Max Leaflet on the way!

LOOK OUT for a new leaflet – For A Truly Democratic Scottish Referendum! – that’ll soon be available from the National Liberal Party!

The leaflet deals with the Scottish Constitutional Referendum, scheduled for the Autumn of 2014. As many folks will know, that’s when Scotland will be asked to vote on its future. At the moment it’s likely that’ll Scots will only be able to choose from two options – should there be an independent Scotland or should it remain part of the union?

The leaflet argues that for the referendum to be truly democratic, there has to be a third option on the ballot paper – that of Devo-Max.

Devo-Max will keep Scotland in the United Kingdom but it’ll have the power to raise and spend its own money. Westminster will only look after ‘UK wide’ services like Defence and Foreign Affairs. The NLP believes that Devo-Max “is an important option that many people would prefer.”

As well as calling for the referendum to be truly democratic, the leaflet urges Scots to campaign for Devo-Max to be included on the ballot paper. “The people must be given the chance to vote either for independence, the union or Devo-Max.”

It notes there are three easy ways to help:

HAVE YOUR SAY! The Scottish Government is asking for your view on the referendum. Let them know what you think. Tell them that you want Devo-Max on the ballot paper! Check out

TELL ALEX SALMOND! Alex Salmond is Scotland’s First Minister. He’s overseeing the referendum debate. Let him know that you want Devo-Max to be included on the ballot paper! E-Mail him now at

DISTRIBUTE THIS LEAFLET! This needs to be a truly democratic referendum. More people need to know about the third option of Devo-Max. Why not take 100 copies of this leaflet and distribute them to your family, friends, neighbours and workmates. For more details simply e-mail us at

The National Liberal Party will be producing more educational and outreach material concerning the Scottish Constitutional Referendum in due course. In the meantime, we’d urge all of our members and supporters in Scotland – and further afield! – to help get the third option – Devo-Max – on the ballot paper!

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