Saturday, 27 July 2024

Those who profess to love their country often talk about the ‘state of the nation’ as regards its’ position or standing in the world and even sometimes the welfare of its’ citizens. Very few however talk about its’ environment, its’ ecology, its’ aesthetic appeal or natural resources.
The land upon which we stand is as much a part of the nation as its’ people. Indeed, whilst populations change through migration, the land (as apart from the environment) never does. Yet, very few so-called patriots concern themselves with the state of that land i.e. our environment. Fearful of the impact of immigration or EU ‘grabs for power’ they ignore the despoiled countryside or the lack of greenspace in our towns/cities. Yet ironically, urban (over) development is often as a direct result of a burgeoning population and the need to serve its interests/needs.
Liberals too have largely focused on economic growth and free trade which will also, if uncontrolled, lead to over-development with less greenspace and more concrete.
A more green and generally more progressive outlook is offered in the booklet ‘A Declaration and Philosophy of Progressive Nationalism’ by Tim Bragg and Graham Williamson. Directed largely to self-professed ‘patriots’, in an attempt to wean them off their blinkered obsessions, its message is also relevant to liberals obsessed with economic growth. We have a number of these copies for sale. If you want one please e-mail us at and we will organise it now!
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