Tuesday, 22 October 2024

What The Papers Say – The Impartial Reporter On The Need To Shop Local

The Impartial Reporter (based in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Ulster) proudly supports & promotes local businesses.

FOR SOME time now, the National Liberal Party has featured a Letters of the Month section. The idea of this section is to host ‘letters published in local or national papers from members or supporters. We encourage you to write something that refers to the party or one of our policies.’ Readers are asked to then send in copies of successfully printed letters to the NLPs e-mail address natliberal@aol.com

We’ve since extended this idea to include articles that have appeared in the media (especially the local media) which are broadly in accordance with our views. We believe that there are lots of professional & amateur writers who are ’national liberal’ in their outlook – but are unaware that the NLP exists as a political movement! However, it does not imply that we fully agree with the writer or media source or that we are connected to us in any way.

Here we reproduce an Editorial published just over two weeks ago – on 18th June – in The Impartial Reporter. Established in 1825, it’s the ‘oldest newspaper in County Fermanagh’ (Ulster) and serves ‘Fermanagh, South Tyrone and the border counties of the Republic of Ireland.’


Imperative that we now all support our local businesses

The Impartial Reporter (based in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Ulster) proudly supports & promotes local businesses.

IT WAS HEARTENING to see our economy slowly but surely emerging from the nightmare of the coronavirus this week.

Our traders and entrepreneurs are thankfully back in business and while it will take some time to get back to where we were prior to the end of march, we know that with the support of us all in this community, normality will return.

To this end, it is incumbent upon us all then to support our local businesses, now more than ever.

I do believe that it is something that Fermanagh people are good at.

We are fiercely proud of this area, this community and all that it stands for.  In the darkest days of the Troubles, we stood side by side and we must do it again in altogether different circumstances.

So when we are out shopping, when we are looking for something, think local first.  Think of how we can keep our money in this economy.

As we look to get back to a more prosperous, fully functioning economy, it is important to remember the multiplier effect of shopping local.

Simply put, the money you spend in a local shop will go to help pay the wages of the workers who then spend that money via their wages in the economy.  There is a positive knock on that goes well beyond the initial transaction.

Demand for local products and services increases and it is not long before this virtuous circle of goodness starts to make a real impact in terms of jobs and the overall strength of the economy.

On the other hand, money spent outside this area has no knock on benefit and does not create any extra inward investment.

So really, it is a time when we have to think local and support our own to help all of us accelerate out of these testing times.

This newspaper has consistently said that ‘We are all in this together’ and that is as important now as it was when the coronavirus pandemic first hit our community.

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