Tuesday, 22 October 2024

The NLTU Supports The Right To Strike!

Workers from many trades & professions are – or will be – taking industrial action.

WORKERS in general & Trade Unionists in particular will be aware of the recent upsurge in industrial action.  Indeed, it seems that over the past few months, virtually every UK-based trade & profession has – or will be – will be out on strike.  

Reacting to this wave of unrest, some Tories seem to be genuinely baffled as to why people feel the need to go on strike.  These Tories, with their offshore accounts, trust funds & the like are living the life of Riley.  They’re completely out of touch with ordinary working families.  So much so, that one has to wonder if they actually live on the same planet as the rest of us?  

There’s hardly a fag paper’s worth of a difference between the ‘left’ of the Conservative Party & the ‘right’ of the Labour Party.  And Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is firmly to the ‘right’.  In fact, he’s effectively Tony Blair in disguise.  This means that Labour – ‘the party of the working class’ – are simply interested in ‘optics’ as opposed to solutions.  

If nothing is done to satisfy the genuine concerns of workers – over pay, terms & conditions of work, health & safety issues & redundancies – the strikes will intensify.  There are already calls for a General Strike and these demands will get louder.   

With the above in mind, the National Liberal Trade Unionists – NLTU – feel that the forthcoming May Day celebrations will be the largest for many years.  They will be used – rightly – to send a message to the Establishment.   

The NLTU promotes a non-socialist form of trade unionism.  We’re about building employee protections rather than class revolution.  We support the principles of liberty which includes the protection of all individual employees.  And whilst we favour consultation over confrontation, the NLTU supports the right to strike. To find out more, simply check out https://www.facebook.com/groups/277840098977231

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