Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Serving A Higher Ideal & Building A New Breed Of Politician

Kwasi Kwarteng (left) and Matt Hancock (right) were just two prominent Tories who were willing to consider taking a job furthering the interests of foreign company on top of their constituency duties. Hancock wanted £10,000 a day for consultancy work. Under the current system, they’re not doing anything illegal.
The NLP is looking for those who’re willing to promote the idea of serving a higher ideal & building a new breed of politician. Are you prepared to help us?

TOWARDS THE END of last month, several top ranking Tories were caught in a sting operation organised by the political campaign group Led By Donkeys – LBD.  

The sting was an ‘experiment’ designed to illustrate if, during a cost of living crisis, MPs would consider taking a job furthering the interests of foreign company on top of their constituency duties.  You can see the whole context here https://www.facebook.com/ledbydonkeys/videos/568516485252528  

Those who were interested in earning extra money included Sir Graham Brady (Chairman of the powerful Tory 1922 Committee), Stephen Hammond (formerParliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Transport), Kwasi Kwarteng (former Chancellor of the Exchequer), Matt Hancock (former Secretary of State for Health & Social Care) & Gavin Williamson (former Secretary of State for Education).  

It’s vitally important to note that none of these MPs are doing anything illegal.   

There doesn’t appear to be a limit on the number of jobs they do.  Nor is there any limit on what they can earn.  Therefore, under the current system, it’s perfectly acceptable for Matt Hancock to earn £10,000 a day for a consultancy role.  But, for those living on the breadline, its highly immoral.  

To be perfectly honest, we’re not particularly surprised that these MPs do as many jobs – and accumulate as much money as possible – as they can. After all, they’re all capitalists.  And, for us, capitalism is a cold, dog eat dog philosophy.  It’s a greedy, grasping & centralising philosophy.  It has absolutely no interest in those who’re less well off or who fall below the breadline.  

So what should be done about this situation?  

First of all, it should be noted that National Liberals have no problem whatsoever with people earning really good wages.  Indeed, we’re sure that every worker would love to be on £10,000 a day!  Nor are we opposed to people doing several jobs.  Unfortunately, many have to do this this just to stay above the breadline.  

There are several practical measures that could be introduced to stop the practice of MPs double-jobbing.   

Two measures immediately come to mind.  The first would obviously be to increase pay to such a point that they wouldn’t need several extra jobs.  However, this wouldn’t be too popular with the electorate.  Another idea would be to set a (very high) minimum limit on the amount of time they have to spend on constituency work & in parliament.  However, this would require very precise definitions.  

These changes may make some differences, but the National Liberal Party believes that we must go much further.  In fact, we feel that the root of the problem lies in the type of person who is attracted to political office.  

We believe that we need to attract the very best of our people to the cause of National Liberalism.  They need to have principles & be prepared for a long-term struggle.  They need to be motivated by love and not hate.  They shouldn’t be involved in politics for fame or fortune – and money definitely shouldn’t be their God.   

The problem of greedy politicians isn’t going to go away anytime soon.  Therefore, we’re more than likely be discussing this problem in more depth in the near future.   

In the meantime, we’ll keep on promoting National Liberalism, the idea of serving a higher ideal & building a new breed of politician.  Are you prepared to help us?

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