Sunday, 8 September 2024

Self-Determination For All! – Self-Determinists Unite!
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is using the forthcoming European Elections as a platform to promote the concept of Self-Determination For All!

As Self-Determination is a universal human right, our eight brave candidates represent different racial, ethnic, national and religious groupings. Indeed, our Euro-campaign represents a practical demonstration of the slogan Unity through Diversity!

In this brief mini-series, we’re featuring our eight London-Region Euro Candidates. We’ve already looked at Dr Yussef Anwar, Bernard Dube, Doris Jones, Upkar Singh Rai, Jagdeesh Singh, Sockalingam Yogalingam and Graham Williamson. Last – but not least – is Araz Yurdseven, who is representing the South Azerbaijani Turk community.

South Azerbaijani Turks live in northern Iran but their identity is not recognised by the dominant Persian nation.

Further north lies the country of Azerbaijan which broke free from Russian control when the Soviet Empire collapsed. Their countrymen in Iran would like to be independent too but instead Azerbaijanis are imprisoned or worse. 

Other Turkic peoples are also denied their right of self-determination elsewhere e.g the Uyghur people of China. I am calling upon all Turkic peoples in London to raise their voice by voting for NLP.

Araz Yurdseven,
representing the South Azerbaijani Turk community

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