Thursday, 13 March 2025

Resist Cuts To Healthcare & Education In Ulster – Sign The Petition Today!

Both schools and hospitals are under threat from cuts imposed by the Tory government. The current lack of movement at Stormont will ensure that nobody is politically able to oppose this new round of budget cuts.

THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY (NLP) is asking all Ulster-based readers to sign an on-line petition.

The petition calls upon the leaders of the four of the five main parties – Arlene Foster (Democratic Unionist Party), Michelle O’Neill (Sinn Féin Northern Leader), Robin Swann (Ulster Unionist Party) and Naomi Long (Alliance Party) – to ‘unite, fight’ and ‘resist cuts to health and education’.

The petition is organised by the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP). Whilst the NLP has serious differences of opinion to the SDLP, we are ardent supporters of social justice. As the petition relates to the ‘bread and butter’ issue of health and education, we are happy to support it.

The petition notes that:

‘Health and Social Care Trusts across Northern Ireland have been tasked by the Department of Health to make £70m worth of cuts in the 2017/18 financial year.

Primary and Nursery schools are being forced to make cuts of £56 per pupil – meaning tens of thousands of pounds less for each school.

Our public services are on the brink of a severe financial crisis and those who will suffer most are the sick, the elderly and our children. That is unacceptable.

All political parties should commit to sitting around the same table to negotiate a resolution to health, education, budgetary and equality issues that will see the restoration of power sharing institutions capable of delivering on the potential and the promise of the Good Friday Agreement.

We, the undersigned, refuse to stand by as political paralysis threatens the lives of those around us. We call on the leaders of all the main political parties to unite, fight and resist the cuts being applied to public services. We call on the leaders of the political parties to commit to reaching a resolution in the best interests of everyone living here.’

Over 1600 people have signed already. Join them today! The petition can be found here:


• MEMBERS and supporters of the National Liberal Party who are either sponsoring or supporting an on-line petition are ask to get in touch with the appropriate details. E-mail us at

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