Saturday, 27 July 2024

Read Issue 4 of New Horizon
ISSUE 4 of New Horizon – the ideological journal Of The National Liberal Party – is now available. To get hold of your FREE pdf copy click HERE.

Articles covered in this 24-page issue include Brexit and Self-Determination, populism, thoughts on a new multipolar democratic political system by the Russian writer, Nicholas Popov, and a look at Lujo Brentano (1844-1931) who was a major influence on liberal German trade unions. Coupled with a review of Mehr Seth’s Transnational Organised Crime In The UK and a thoughtful editorial, this issue of New Horizon makes for interesting – and in-depth – reading.

There are two very interesting factors relating to this issue of New Horizon.

The first is the link betwwen to two completely different articles – BreXit and Self-Determination and Populism – A New Dirty Word? Both have different authors but are linked by the fact that the Brexit vote was probably the greatest popular expression of anger (against the Global elite) ever experienced in British political history.

The second is the announcement of the birth of the Centre Alliance, founded as a campaigning and electoral coalition. The aim of the Centre Alliance – CA – is for likeminded ‘small parties, groups and independents’ to co-operate together ‘to reclaim the country for the benefit of the ordinary citizen’.

The CA will campaign on five central points:

1. Social Justice e.g. introducing a meaningful Living Wage.

2. Democratic Renewal/Electoral Reform e.g. a campaign on making referendums part of the political system e.g. ‘Initiatives’ as in Switzerland.

3. Anti-Globalisation e.g. opposition to TTIP

4. Anti-Corruption e.g. a campaign against the honours system per se or how constituted.

5. Consensus Politics e.g. encouraging pacts, coalitions and the Swiss style of government (cross-party National Council).

A more in-depth review of the latest New Horizon is currently being written. It’ll appear on the main National Liberal Party web-site – – as well as our two Facebook sites here and here in the very near future.

We’re also looking to encourage a culture of multiple reviews of all of our publications. Therefore, if you’d like to submit a review – good, bad or indifferent – on what we have to say, please feel free. As we always say, debate (and hence speech) is free with the NLP!

In the meantime we urge all National Liberals to promote this ‘mini-review’ as well as this promotional artwork via social media.

One last thing. A special mention must also be given to the striking – and very positive cover – relating to Brexit. When all is said and done, there’s no point in having an ideological journal if no-one is going to read it. We feel that the cover of issue 4 of New Horizon will have both convinced National Liberals and those curious about politics reaching for it. And today, where politics is dominated by the soundbite and milisecond media, that’s no mean feat!
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