Sunday, 9 March 2025

Open Up Your Eyes … And Say NO To The Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership!
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY has just issued its latest Open Your Eyes e-poster.  This ad-hoc series of e-posters has been on the go since the start of last year and are normally self explanatory.  For instance, we’ve produced posters in support of press freedom opposing the privatisation of the Post Office and so on.

This latest e-poster is different as it concerns the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – TTIP.  But why is it so different?  The main reason is its subject matter.  Let’s be honest, how many readers have even heard of the TTIP?  Another reason is the dangers posed by TTIP to the peoples and nations of Europe and the US.

However, frst things first.  The TTIP (also known as the Transatlantic Free Trade Area – TAFTA) is a proposed free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and the United States of America.

Its supporters claim that it will stimulate economic growth leaving everyone better off.  However, the NLP is not so sure.  We believe that the only winner here will be capitalism.  In our view TTIP will only strengthen the powers of trans-national corporations, big business individuals and the banksters.

We feel that the introduction of TTIP will – in particular – see the final nail in the coffin of public services in this country.  We think that it’ll open up the doors for multinational corporations to take over the NHS as well as any remaining public services.  Indeed, the Tories (in particular) seem to view the likes of the NHS as a mere business commodity, where ‘unprofitable’ sections are done away with – whilst the rest is sold off to the highest bidder.  If this happens, ordinary working folks will be in danger of losing their hard earned rights and conditions.

We also suspect that TTIP will make it more difficult for sovereign governments to regulate markets for public benefit.  This will tip the balance of power (between the interests of the nation and people against that of capitalism) wholly in favour of unelected and undemocratic international corporations.

Instead of leaving eveyone better off, the capitalist system will find it even easier – and more profitable – to switch their resources and operations around the globe in order to avoid paying taxes. This’ll ensure that the distribution of weath – both in individual nations and across the globe – will become even more pronounced.  The gap between the obscenely rich elite and the rest of us will become even more visable.

You have been warned!

• CHECK OUT the National Liberal Party’s previous E-Posters here:

• Open Your Eyes And Say NO To The Privitisation Of The Post Office (2702/13)

• Open Your Eyes And Say NO To The Bedroom Tax (26/03/13)

• Open Your Eyes And Say YES To Private Enterprise (16/04/13)

• Open Your Eyes And Say YES To Supporting Local Shops (31/05/13)

• Open Your Eyes And Say NO To British Troops In Syria (07/07/13)

• Open Your Eyes And Say YES To A National Liveable Wage (30/09/13)

• Open Your Eyes And Say NO To Austerity (02/02/14)

• Open Your Eyes And Say YES To Press Freedom (30/06/14)

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