Saturday, 27 July 2024

NLP European-Election Manifesto: Section 2
THE National Liberal Party is not interested in ‘gesture politics.’ This is a futile position adopted by groups on both the ‘left’ and ‘right.’ It consists of screaming, shouting and macho–posturing. Normally groups who follow this line are more interested in ‘hitting the headlines’ than actually following a strategy of careful thought and action.

But how do we encourage and promote this strategy of careful thought and action? We feel that only way is to engage in rational debate, constructive critiscm and to encourage feedback – good, bad or indifferent.

That’s one of the reasons why we’re reproducing – in ‘bite size’ pieces – the NLPs Manifesto for the fothcoming European-Elections. It calls for Self-Determination For All! and is a revolutionary document as it calls for national freedom and social justice for all oppressed nations.

Earlier this month we reproduced the first section. This is the second section:
Legacy of Empire

For many of these peoples the problems first erupted after Britain (and others) began to dismantle her Empire. Unfortunately, they did not ask the inhabitants of the territories they were leaving what they wanted. This was vital because many had been forced to live within artificial borders with very different peoples and sometimes were even divided by these borders.

Thus Britain has a moral responsibility to help put right a wrong of their making, let alone give an apology, by calling for the right of self-determination for the peoples it once ruled over. It is not sufficient to merely offer a haven for the persecuted without attempting to address the problems that forced them to flee in the first place. Thus, because our Government has repeatedly failed to deliver, the peoples of the Britain, especially London, must speak out for these dispossessed people!

The National Liberal Party is fighting for Self-Determination For All! Our London-Region Euro Candidates are (top) Dr Yussef Anwar, Doris Jones, Bernard Dube, Upkar Singh Rai, (bottom) Jagdeesh Singh, Sockalingam Yogalingam, Araz Yurdseven and Graham Williamson.

The NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is committed to fighting for justice, freedom and the human right to self-determination for all nations around the world.

Now for the first time ever, in the history of British politics, SELF-DETERMINATION will be the driving, primary message of a dedicated election campaign.

This is your chance to make your voice heard and your voice count!


Your Vote is your voice in the European Parliament.


The NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY – Committed to helping OTHER communities in London

We are committed to:

NATIONAL MINORITIES – All nationalities should have the right to identify themselves in all censuses and questionnaires by their nation and not necessarily by their country of origin (if different).

RELIGIOUS MINORITIES – There are many refugees who have escaped religious persecution in their homelands. We shall be their voice in the European Parliament.

DALITS (low-caste South Asians) – We are committed to fighting back against the apartheid of ‘low-caste’ designation against tens of millions of South Asia in India and Nepal by reason of ‘caste’. We are committed to making ‘caste’ discrimination and sectarianism unlawful in the UK, along-side other discrimination and hate practises. Caste is a hidden and socially embedded evil affecting thousands of lives in the UK. It has escaped public and international attention for far too long. It must stop NOW!

WOMEN – Females across the world communities are seriously damaged and down-trodden through physical violence and social imprisonment. Multiple communities continue to practise honour violence, female genital mutilation, social constrictions and various other forms of female oppression. This injustice against females clearly affects hundreds of thousands in the UK, spread across the ethnic communities. This evil is disguised and legitimised as a ‘culture’ and ‘tradition’. It must stop NOW!

SENSIBLE & HEALTHY IMMIGRATION – The UK is a wonderful place to live, providing jobs, freedom, security, law and order, free education, free health services and much more. Many communities, including self-determinists, from around the world have settled here, and enriched Britain with their culture, food, communities, work, commerce and more. Communities like the Sikhs have made a huge contribution to Britain in the two world wars. Indians and Bangladeshis have made a huge contribution to Britain’s labour needs and ethnic food industry.

Multiple communities have contributed positively in multiple ways. However, the UK is an island, with limited space, resources, housing, schools, and a limited health service capacity. The UK must have a managed, sensible and healthy level of migration. No country in the world can have an endless intake of people. Everyone in the UK is now experiencing the effects of limited resources. Even immigrants, who came here decades ago, are feeling the pressure. Harmonious relations depend on controlling borders. Immigration is good, so long as it is done in healthy, manageable numbers, taking account of a country’s economic and skill requirements. We believe in a healthy, holistic approach to immigration. We welcome migrants in sensible numbers not via ‘open borders’.

We want as many people as possible to read and debate our vision of freedom and liberty. To do this, simply visit the National Liberals Facebook page and post your comments where you see this article.

To get hold of your copy of our Manifesto, simply e-mail and ask for your FREE pdf copy – or download it by clicking on the banner towards the top of our home page.

You can also promote our Manifesto by copying and pasting this article onto your Facebook page. Like it and Share it with your friends, relatives, work colleagues and other self-determinists.

Also ask them to check out the following web-site and this Twitter feed @Self_Determ_Day

Look out for the next section of our Euro-Manifesto, which will appear in the very near future.

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