As the Scottish Government ponders what questions and how many should be on the forthcoming ‘Independence’ Referendum, the National Liberal Party has launched a campaign to get a third option onto the ballot paper.
This option, popularly known as ‘Devo-Max’, would if voted for give Scotland full fiscal powers but stop short of outright Independence. The NLP believes that Devo-Max “is an important option that many people would prefer.” *
Renfrew based Campaign Manager and Lib Dem defector, Glen Maney, says “This referendum would not be fully democratic unless it includes the option of voting for Devo-Max. Opinion polls show that a majority of voters presently oppose independence but would still like the Scottish Government to have more powers, especially financial. Devo-Max would be a popular option and the people must therefore be given the chance to vote either for independence, the union or Devo-Max.”
Activists are to distribute a new leaflet
asking Scots to tell Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond via e-mail ( and the Scottish Government via their website, that they want
Devo-Max on the ballot paper!
The National Liberal Party is hoping to reclaim the support its’ predecessor, the Liberal National Party once had. The party, a breakaway from the Liberals from the 1930’s over tariffs, had a number of MPs in the UK but was particularly strong in Scotland. Obtaining an average of 5% for the 20 years it was in existence it had MPs across Scotland from Edinburgh to Inverness to the Western Isles. They see themselves as a patriotic alternative to the Liberal Democrats.
The National Liberal Party will be producing more educational and outreach material concerning the Scottish Constitutional Referendum in due course. If members of the press would like to interview the Campaign Manager Glen Maney please contact him on 07545821414.
* The party explains why it supports Devo-Max as a constitutional choice at and why it envisages Devo-Max for all nations of the UK at