Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Trump Isn’t Another Hitler. He’s Another Obama. (Part 4)

THIS IS THE LAST in a series of articles looking at current US President, Donald Trump. Written by Caitlin Johnstone for the US on-line publication Medium – https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/trump-isnt-another-hitler-he-s-another-obama-51ea7db498b4 – the broad thrust of her argument is that Trump is no different to Obama as they’re both in hoc to the US Military-Industrial complex.


The only real difference between Trump and Obama is that of presentation. Obama was media savvy and media friendly. Trump, on the other hand, is not. He’s abrasive, straight talking and to the point. He’s politically incorrect and appears that he runs the White House like he runs his personal businesses.


However, he’s just the latest in a long line of presidents – both Republican and Democrat – who works for the Yankee Dollar. As President, he’s a mere figurehead. The real power resides with the US Military-Industrial complex. They’re pulling the strings and are responsible for the never-ending round of US imperialist adventures. They claim that they act to preserve the US way of life, freedom and democracy. But this is a lie – they’re only making the world safe for big business.


This article should be read directly on from part I http://nationalliberal.org/trump-isn%27t-another-hitler-he%27s-another-obama-part-1 part 2 http://nationalliberal.org/trump-isn’t-another-hitler-he’s-another-obama-part-2 and part 3 http://nationalliberal.org/trump-isn’t-another-hitler-he’s-another-obama-part-3 It goes without saying that there are no official links between Caitlin Johnstone, Medium and the National Liberal Party. If you wish to comment on this article, check out our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/52739504313/


Trump Isn’t Another Hitler. He’s Another Obama. (Part 4)

These young people really are our best new humans. They are so committed to the highest interest that they would put aside their self-interest to do so. Do you know how rare that quality is in a human? And these young people are being taken from us young, whether that be by death or by destroying their beautiful minds as they are warped by the war machine into thinking that evil is good. Taken and used to pump up the egos of a selfish few.

In a healthy culture, the highest interest would dictate the desires of these young men and women. Unfortunately, the “highest interest” which should be assessed by the will of the people, is not being heard. It is not being enacted. The will of the people has repeatedly said that it does not want to send these young people off to kill another country’s young people to shore up the share portfolios of a few cancerous beings. The will of the people consistently says no to that, but it has been corralled by a small group of bloodthirsty vampires, parasites who will happily lay any amount of young bodies to waste to win their tiny dick battles until they are finally satisfied with the amount of zeroes on their bank statements.

Spolier alert: they never will be.

Americans talk about “seeing through the partisan bullshit” of US politics like it’s some kind of magical superpower, but it’s not. Both parties act in slightly different ways toward the exact same ends, working together like the jab-cross combinat ion of a boxer (1) to advance the same warmongering, corporatist oligarchic agendas, and there’s no reason to believe any of them about anything. America has two corpratist war parties who serve a plutocratic class of elites; one of them wears a cowboy hat, the other has pink hair. That’s it. That’s all you need to see to free yourself from the illusion.

Please stop attacking one another for the evils that have been inflicted on you by this small group of sociopaths, America. Stop buying into the two-party good cop/bad cop schtick that the elites use to turn urban Americans against rural Americans and turn your anger toward your real enemies.

(1) https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/dems-and-gop-work-together-like-a-boxers- 1-2-punch-to-knock-you-out-edbbefc92bf8

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