Saturday, 27 July 2024

Issue 156 of Fourth World Review On Its Way!
THE JOINT EDITORS of Fourth World Review – Wayne John Sturgeon and Graham Williamson – hope to produce issue 156 in the very near future.

Fourth World Review4WR – has been in production for over 50 years and John Papworth (4WRs founder, former Editor and now Editorial Board member) has dedicated his life to fighting ‘gigantism’ everywhere!  The magazine still remains true to his ideals – and promotes a worldview that values the individual amongst the mass, the ‘little man’ against the big machines, and the small business against Corporate greed.

Indeed, John Papworth has stated that 4WRs purpose is to promote the “argument first put forward by Professor Leopold Kohr over half a century ago in his epochal Breakdown of Nations, later popularised in Fritz Schumacher’s Small Is Beautiful. They were simply arguing that the origins of the modern crisis lay in the fact that governments and institutions (including industries), had become so large as to be uncontrollable under any political label, and that the genuine democratic target lay in making them smaller so people could control them”.

This aim is reflected in the magazine’s long-standing slogan: ‘For Small Nations, Small Communities, Small Farms, Small Industries, Small Banks, Small Fisheries and the Inalienable Sovereignty of the Human Spirit.’

Issue 156 will contain another article on Nations without States, interviews, reviews and a look at the life of economic and monetary reformer James Gibb Stuart who sadly died late late last year.  Mr Gibb Stuart is probably best known for his book, The Money Bomb.
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