Sunday, 8 September 2024

If You Live Or Work In West Lothian … SHOP LOCAL!


THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY believes that ‘Small is Beautiful!’ This means that we support – and seek to promote – a localist and decentralist agenda.

We are therefore politically, economically and culturally opposed to ‘gigantism’ and wish to see society reduced to a natural ‘human scale.’ Indeed, our recent General Election Manifesto (1) noted that we support decentralisation to the most local practical level.”

As part of our localist agenda we support positive initiatives which seek to reflect local identities and cultures. One such positive initiative is the flying of local flags – especially county flags.

According to the Association of British Counties excellent ABC Flag Blog (2) there “are now thirty-nine flags registered for British counties of which two are Scottish and seven Welsh.”

Many counties that don’t have existing flags have designs awaiting approval. This is the case of the flag of West Lothian – previously known as Linlithgowshire – which features on our latest Shop Local! e-poster.

For all of our previous Shop Local! e-posters, click here:



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