Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Building Caledonian Voice

IN EARLY MARCH we published an article Building Our Media Infrastructure which noted that the National Liberal Party has several key strategies. Our article – http://nationalliberal.org/building-our-media-infrastructure – looked at one of these objectives: building the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news, information and entertainment.

We know that all of our publications generate enthusiasm and a positive response. However, we want to build a much larger audience for our media – therefore, we announced that we’d be featuring the lead articles from each of our publications to date. The idea is that when these articles appear, NLP members and supporters would viral them out via social media.

We also stated that although the articles will be dated to some extent (and this one hails from early July 2012!) we’d appreciate any comments, observations or suggestions – good bad or indifferent.

Before St. George’s Day we kicked off with the lead article from issue 1 of English Voice the voice of the NLP in England. This time we’re reproducing the lead article from issue 1 of Caledonian Voice – the voice of the NLP in Scotland. (Readers will note that CV uses the phrase ‘Third Way.’ Here it is used here in a Scottish political context in that it refers to a position that goes beyond independence and unionism. Please note that that there are no official connections between the NLP or CV and groups bearing a similar name.)

We’re aware of two reviews of CV1 here http://nationalliberal.org/review-of-caledonian-voice and here http://countercultureuk.com/tag/national-liberal-party/ However, we’d like to hear from any other folks who’d be willing to produce a review of it or who’d be able to produce articles for future issues. Similarly, we want to hear from anyone who can suggest subjects for future CV e-posters. Our first one called for Scotland to be kept out of foreign wars –

To submit your ideas, simply e-mail us natliberal@aol.com or look out for this article on the National Liberals facebook site https://www.facebook.com/groups/52739504313/?fref=nf and have your say in the comments section.


The Independence Referendum … Is There A Third Way?

To get your FREE pdf copy of issue 1 of Caledonian Voice simply e-mail natliberal@aol.com

WITH Prime Minister David Cameron declaring himself to be relaxed about the timing of the proposed referendum on whether or not Scotland should break away from the rest of the United Kingdom, it is looking increasingly likely that it will take place in the autumn of 2014. What is still a matter of debate is whether the question put to Scottish voters will be a straight choice between independence and the status quo or if the third option of Devo-Max will be offered. Devo-Max is the term coined to describe the fullest devolution of powers to the Scottish Parliament with only the minimum of matters such as defence and foreign affairs remaining in the hands of the Westminster Government.


Over the last few months the National Liberal Party (NLP) has been campaigning to get the third option of Devo-Max onto the ballot paper. This campaign has included a detailed submission being made to the consultation process undertaken by the Scottish Government and the distribution of leaflets calling for a fully democratic referendum, with the inclusion of the option of Devo-Max on the ballot paper. Unlike the Tories with their rich friends in the City and the Labour Party with their establishment union paymasters, the NLP relies entirely on the financial support and active help of its members and so, at present, our voice is small and our reach is limited to those who view our website and the homes to which our activists hand-deliver publications such as the one you are now reading.

Devo-Max has many supporters so what makes the NLP different? Well, for a start, the NLP sees the Scottish Referendum in a wider UK context that seeks to bring reform and the decentralisation of power to all the other parts of Britain. The NLP supports the creation of an English Parliament and encouraging people across the United Kingdom to become involved in open and accountable systems of government at both local and national level that enable ordinary citizens to participate in the decision making processes that affect their daily lives. The NLP calls for the introduction of Swiss-style citizens’ initiative referenda to ensure that the majority can be heard on issues that the political elite would rather ignore. We oppose the transfer of power from the already unrepresentative government that we have in Westminster to the remote, bureaucratic nightmare of the European Union. The National Liberal Party has a federalist and decentralist vision for the future of Britain. In short, we do not believe in leaving all the power in the hands of the professional politicians!


If you agree that it is better to keep the UK together by genuine decentralisation of power rather than new job creation schemes for the political class, then why not get in touch for more information?

• THIS article should be read in comjunction with http://nationalliberal.org/building-english-voice

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