Saturday, 27 July 2024

Hunters Out for Mr.Hunt

Our resident poet Jason reflects upon the latest Media-Westminster scandal over the allegations of a tie-up between the Culture Secretary and News Corp.

Hunters Out for Mr.Hunt

Oh what shambles Westminster mired in?
While hunters out to hunt Mr.Hunt
The pillars of democracy uncontrollably shaking
For the closed shop of Westminster stunned
By the constant flowing and ebbing effect
Of leaking news exposing Westminster’s age old defect
Yet this not the first time nor the last
To tend resignations, wiping off temporarily the slate
Clean of wrongs; pretending and proposing to right
For good the procedures and rules providing for theft
At the expense of public purse to the wealth
Of privileged few courting business moguls in stealth
Can this be altered for good?
Masses exercise democracy to be out witted
By elected gents suited and booted
For the defective democracy to tumble on ill guarded
By non-written and loosely assembled
Rules well insulating the members elected
Let there be an impeachment process
To inject respect for law into the legislators elected
Accountability imposed through courts for masses
Let people vote for an accountability process for the elected?
If not, the unholy alliance of business moguls
And unruly elected gents shall keep poisoning the Westminster chalice

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