Thursday, 13 March 2025

Get your FREE copy of 4WR!

LATE LAST YEAR saw the re-launch of Fourth World Review.

John Papworth (4WRs founder, former Editor and now Editorial Board member) confirmed that it would still be promoting the “argument first put forward by Professor Leopold Kohr over half a century ago in his epochal Breakdown of Nations, later popularised in Fritz Schumacher’s Small Is Beautiful. They were simply arguing that the origins of the modern crisis lay in the fact that governments and institutions (including industries), had become so large as to be uncontrollable under any political label, and that the genuine democratic target lay in making them smaller so people could control them”.

The National Liberal Party would recommend 4WR to its members and supporters as its views are similar to our own.

Details on how to obtain a FREE pdf copy of the magazine are given below.

ISSUE 153 of Fourth World Review includes a series of exciting (and wide-ranging) interviews. Those interviewed include:

TIM BRAGG: Tim has been described as “a provocative intellectual renegade.” He is an accomplished musician, published author, Green thinker and activist.

J. NEIL SCHULMAN: As a supporter of Agorism, J Neil Schulman is an advocate of counter-economic activism. He is also the author of Alongside Night.

PETER CHALLEN: Peter is a member of the Christian Council For Monetary Justice. He also co-authored Seven Steps to Justice.

JOHN PAPWORTH: John is the Founder and Patron of Fourth World Review. He has written several books and was the founder of Resurgence magazine.

4WR also includes an article on the Luddites by Kirpatrick Sale, the director of the Middlebury Institute (“for the study of separatism, secession, and self-determination”).

Two articles on the theme of Raising a Voice for Small Nations include a plea to

Stop the Genocide of the Tamils and an overview of Sicilian independence.

The Reviews pages cover subjects such as economics, the environment, small nations & local history

You’ll not want to miss this issue of 4WR which is only available in e-zine format. To get hold of you copy, simply e-mail John Papworth at and ask for a FREE pdf copy of issue 153.

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