Tuesday, 22 October 2024

From The Liberty Wall – Free Speech: How Do We Protect It? – Some People Still Believe In Free Speech For All … GET OVER IT!


WE UNDERSTAND that the above e-poster is the first in a series that will be produced in support of Free Speech.


The e-poster was recently produced and viralled out by the group Free Speech: How Do We Protect It? One of the main aims of the group is to examine and expose instances whereby elements of the State try to curtail the rights of individuals and/or groups – no matter how ‘unpopular’ they may be..particular interest are articles which show elements of the State trying to curtail free speech and so on


As the Facebook site – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1607711629485795/ – of Free Speech notes, to ensure that everyone has the right of free speech and assembly, Britain should introduce ‘a formal constitution and bill of rights’ which would be based on the ‘concept of civil and religious liberties for all’.


hat Britain should have a formal constitution and bill of rights, based on the concept of civil and religious liberties for all. We also feel that a civil rights watchdog should be established to protect the people’s ability to make use of these rights.

We believe in absolute free speech with very few exceptions to this rule – say for those who promote violence. Either we all have rights – or none of us has rights. We support civil and religious liberties for all.You can check out the original e-poster here https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1639828429410422&set=g.1607711629485795&type=1&theater&ifg=1


Freedom lovers are encouraged to ‘like and share’ the e-poster – and viral it out using all forms of social media. Do it today!

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