Thursday, 13 March 2025

From The Liberty Wall – Nations without States – Issue 1 of Nation Coming Soon!
ANYONE who has read the Nations without States Activists Leaflet (1) will know that NwS recognises that it doesn’t yet have the resources to fight – on an equal footing – those governments who are opposed to self-determination. Therefore, NwS has to “conduct a political guerilla war based on a strategy of building different forms of counter-power. Basically we’re going to have to create a parallel system that belongs to the people and not our oppressors.”

The first act of this “political guerilla war” relates to educating both activists and the public and winning the Public Relations war. To do this, NwS intends to build the infrastructure of an alternative mass media of news and entertainment. We cannot rely on the establishment media to help us promote self-determination – so we’ll have to do it ourselves!”

NwS has made a small start in the right direction. It has a growing and very active and informative Facebook page (2). And it has produced a Activists Leaflet (mentioned above), What Must Be Done, a publically-available organising bulletin (3 – 5) as well as both a printed and pdf version of issue 1 of Freedom – ‘the Street Paper of Nations without States’.

As we noted in a previous article (6) Freedom was designed to appeal to those who read the ‘Red Tops’ like the Sun, Star and Mirror.

However, as part of our overall strategy of building an alternative media, NwS recognises that it also has to ‘reach out’ to those who read middle-market papers like the Daily Mail and Daily Express and those who read the quality ‘Broadsheets’ like the Times, Telegraph and Guardian.

With this in mind, NwS is now working on producing issue 1 of Nation, which will be written to a Daily Mail and Daily Express level.

We understand that this issue of Nation will feature around 30 flags of oppressed nations and highlight the need for all self-determinists to unite. A policy of ‘Unity Through Diversity’ will help self-determinists co-ordinate campaigns, share ideas, experiences and tactics. It will also provide the framework for self-determinists to systematically build the foundations of a movement, capable of mounting a sustained campaign over many years, against those who would deny the various nations and peoples around the world their freedom.

We understand that NwS will be releasing more exciting news concerning this forthcoming issue of Nation in the very near future. As soon as we know anything we will let you know!

In the meantime, we would direct readers to the artwork on this page, which prominently features a black flag. This black flag represents those activists and innocent civilians who have been – and who still are being – killed, ‘disappeared’ or tortured by various oppressive regimes around the world. (Indeed, at the very end of last month, NwS activists supported a demonstration in Central London, calling for freedom for Balochistan, merged with Pakistan in 1948, and for an end to Pakistani death squads and disappearances of Balochs and persecution in Iran.) NwS has produced this artwork as a mark of respect to both honour their memory and mourn their loss.

(1) NwS Activists Leaflet.pdf




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