Tuesday, 14 January 2025

From The Liberty Wall – Fourth World Review – Remembering Leopold Kohr


TOWARDS the end of last year, Fourth World Review (4WR) produced its first e-poster.  It honoured EF ‘Fritz’ Schumacher, author of the iconic Small Is Beautiful – A Study Of Economics As If People Mattered.

4WR produced the Schumacher e-poster in response to John Papworth’s call for “a vast educational effort to resolve the multitudinous problems involved in the restructuring of power in society from the ground up rather than the top down.”

In this digital and milisecond media age, 4WR believe’s that one way of promoting this “vast educational effort” is via imaginative and thought-provoking e-posters.

With this in mind, a new e-poster has been produced.  Using a stark red, white and black colour sheme as well as the slogan Small Is Beautiful – effectively 4WRs raison d’être – it aims to introduce a new generation of thinkers and activists to explore the works of Leopold Kohr.

Kohr is best known for his book The Breakdown Of Nations. Written in 1957, this highly original work predicted the problems posed by globalism – effectively before the term ‘globalism’ had ever been used!

He remains a highly original thinker who concluded that the root cause of social evil was that all sections of society had grown too centralized and too big.  Indeed, the influence of the individual decreases exponentially with the increase of the population in a society.

Kohr believed that small nations work better for their citizens in every way – economically, socially, culturally, and so on.  He thus believed that the time was ripe to return to human size – and called for the peaceful dissolution of nation states into smaller independent entities which can network or confederate as they choose.

4WR – as a long-standing radical decentralist publication – believes that Leopold Kohr’s The Breakdown Of Nations should be considered essential reading by those who wish to promote a more ‘rooted’ and natural form of living.  We urge as many people as possible to read it, discuss it and become active in promoting its ideals.

In the meantime, we’d ask readers to ‘Like and Share’ this new 4WR e-poster on Facebook and link this article to any Twitter account(s) you may operate.

• CHECK out this 4WR mission statement: http://nationalliberal.org/liberty-wall-3/fourth-world-review

• CHECK out 4WR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/288486767860011/?ref=br_tf

• CHECK out the first 4WR e-poster: http://nationalliberal.org/from-the-liberty-wall-%e2%80%93-4wr-%e2%80%93-first-4wr-e-poster

• CHECK out this YouTube video about Leopold Kohr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDRd_TJvzhQ

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