EU Ombudsman complaint

Dr. Jonathan Levy
The National Liberal party believes that the Cryptocurrency ‘world’ needs regulating to protect innocent investors from being fleeced by hackers etc.
December 9, 2019
For Immediate Release
Cryptocurrency Victims Claims
Dr. Jonathan Levy
+44 20 8144 2479
European Union Commission Accused of Aiding Crypto Crime
EU and UK Singled Out in Maladministration Complain
BRUSSELS: (EU Ombudsman Complaint # 201902197)
A complaint filed by lawyer Dr. Jonathan Levy on behalf of cryptocurrency crime victims, whose claims totaling over €27 million, takes aim not only at the European Commission but singles out the United Kingdom and several other EU member states as safe havens for crypto criminals.
The EU is accused of “maladministration” in regard to cryptocurrency. Maladministration is the technical term for various types of governmental injustice including delay and failure to investigate, take action or follow the law.
Dr. Jonathan Levy represents the Victims and the National Liberal Party, a UK political party with a platform that includes sound cryptocurrency policy. The EU stands accused of knowingly permitting the transfer of billions of Euros from victims to organized crime including the notorious €5 billion One World–One Coin Pnzi scheme which was operated by EU citizens utilizing EU banks for over almost 5 years. Only on the day of the filing of this complaint did the EU act to remove One World–One Coin from its own Top Level Domain .EU where it had been operating with impunity.
Dr. Levy has long criticized the United Kingdom’s handling of cryptocurrency related claims. According to Dr. Levy, “The United Kingdom and European Union have rolled out a welcome sign for crypto criminals and provided them unhindered access to Top Level Domains like .EU and .IO, their banking system, companies registration, and have turned a blind eye to the largest transfer of wealth to international criminal organizations since World War Two.”
Levy and his clients seek intervention by the EU Ombudsman to prompt the EU Commission to hold cryptocurrencies, social media networks, domains, exchanges, and domain privacy providers accountable for funding a Cryptocurrency Security Fund to pay out compensation to victims of cryptocurrency criminals.
Copies of the pleadings are available at:
Dr. Jonathan Levy
Attorney & Solicitor
+44 (0) 20 8144 2479
Date: December 12, 2019
Categories: Articles