Saturday, 27 July 2024

CPRE Report Points The Way!

A RECENT REPORT by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) has indicated that local economies can support jobs and generate millions of pounds.

A CPRE study – From field to fork: Faversham – looks at Faversham’s “local food web, the network of relationships between food producers, outlets and consumers.”

The report shows that public demand for locally sourced food comes from nearly 40 shops. The CPRE estimates that shops in the area support over 160 jobs and a further 250 jobs come from local suppliers. They also believe that food contributes to the character and identity of Faversham, an ancient market town in Kent.

Thea Platt, a local CPRE representative noted:

“The food web supports around 410 local jobs in farming, food production and at outlets and contributes to a turnover of £9 million in the economy of the local food supply area.

“Local food businesses also add to community life, help local good causes and support diversity in farming and the local countryside.”

The CPRE report makes interesting reading for those – like the National Liberal Party – who would advocate a move away from the big cities towards a more rural way of life. Here, we would like to see as many Britons as possible truly owning their homes and land.

To read From field to fork: Faversham simply click here:

To read another take – this time by Transition Town Totnes – on the CPRE report, click here:

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