Saturday, 27 July 2024

Communities fighting back against casino capitalism

IN July we featured a guest article written by George Walton on the referendum supporting greater devolved power to the Welsh Assembly. In this brief article – written much earlier this year – he looks at how some local communities are fighting back against the forces of casino capitalism.

Although George describes himself as a ‘National Anarchist’, he seems to share many traits with the National Liberal Party. As John Papworth (1) would say we fight “for small nations, small communities, small farms, small shops, small industries, small banks, small fisheries and the inalienable sovereignty of the human spirit.”


More Good News – by George Walton

MORE good news: While far too many village pubs and shops have, due to those lovely global market forces, closed in the UK over recent years, some communities are organising to keep their amenities and identities strong. There are now 251 community owned stores throughout the country – that’s up from just 33 in 1991. This goes a long way to proving that British rural communities don’t need lectures from the Tories about any ‘big society’!

The village community and rural way of life are integral to the National Anarchist worldview, so it is pleasing to see community empowerment at this level getting more resilient to the global machine while maintaining their distinct identities to boot.

The plight of the UK village in the 21st century is brilliantly illustrated in Richard Askwith’s The Lost Village, for those interested.

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