Sunday, 12 January 2025

Coming Soon – Three New Publications!

JULY was a very productive month for the National Liberal Party as it saw the production of two brand new publications!

At the very beginning of the month we launched Caledonian Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party in Scotland. And towards the end of the month we produced English Voice – the Voice of the National Liberal Party in England.

Both had a common theme – decentralisation.

Our national paper for Scotland noted that (in the light of the forthcoming Scottish Constitutional Referendum) Devo-Max represented a ‘Third Way’ beyond independence and the status quo. It described Devo-Max as “the fullest devolution of powers to the Scottish Parliament with only the minimum of matters such as defence and foreign affairs remaining in the hands of the Westminster Government.”

To get hold of copies of Caledonian Voice, English Voice and New Horizon, simply e-mail and ask for your FREE pdf copies!

Decentralism and federalism will also feature in the NLP’s long anticipated publication, Liberty & Nation. This will serve as the party’s ‘street paper’ paper for the whole of the UK. L&N will be aimed at readers of the Daily Mail and Daily Express. However, in the not too distant future we also hope to launch another two UK-wide papers. One will be aimed at readers of ‘red tops’ like the Star, Mirror and Sun whilst the other will be more in-depth and aimed at readers of The Times, Guardian and Daily Telegraph.

With this in mind, we’d appreciate any offers of help with the production of these proposed papers. We require people to write and edit them. We’re also looking for folks who’ll be able to help with artwork, graphics or photographs. In particular, we’re looking for anyone who’d be willing to help finance printing and/or help with distribution. If you can help out in any way, please e-mail as soon as possible.

Another ‘street’ publication to look out for is Kent Voice. It’ll be the voice of the National Liberal Party in Kent. The first issue will focus on animal welfare – with a special emphasis on the export of live animals.

However, before L&N and Kent Voice are scheduled to appear, issue 2 of New Horizon should be available. It’s the ideological magazine of the NLP and was previously the name of a journal published by the Liberal Nationals/National Liberals between 1942 – 1968.

As with issue 1 (which was published towards the end of last year) this new issue will be produced as an e-zine. Edited by Graham Williamson, New Horizon will “allow writers to dissect the philosophy behind National Liberalism, discuss the national liberal credentials of world figures, engage in political debate and promote policy ideas.”

This new issue of New Horizon will feature several articles on economics (in particular, Distributism) and democracy. NH should be out fairly soon – look out for our pre-publication publicity which will be appearing on this web-site in the not to distant future!

In the meantime, why not get hold of issue 1 of all of our existing publications? Caledonian Voice, English Voice and New Horizon are all available via e-mail. To get hold of them, just contact and ask for your FREE pdf copies!

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