Friday, 18 October 2024

Caste Watch backs NLP candidate Jagdeesh Singh for Ealing Southall

Message from Ealing Southall candidate Jagdeesh Singh,

See below a special, emphatic message of support from Davinder Prasad, Castwatch UK, for our election campaign in Ealing Southall. He has shown a special regard for the ethical stance we have taken and will continue to take on the crucial caste discrimination issue, which various political and social forces have been trying to dodge, divert and distort. In a world which is afflicted with oppressive prejudices, we are committed to fighting, minimising, isolating, and ultimately eliminating all forms of discrimination, by social action and by law. We thank Davinder Prasad, Castewatch UK, for giving us his whole-hearted acknowledgement and support. We hope the caste discriminated communities will recognise it true champions and friends, and will accordingly exercise their vote on 7th May 2015 in an ethical way to show to the forthcoming UK government that caste is a priority issue and that they want their local parliamentary candidates to speak up wholesomely in Parliament on this.

Onwards and forwards!

Jagdeesh Singh
National Liberal Party candidate for EALING SOUTHALL


Dear all,

The election is now very close and people have to make up their mind. Lib-Dem, Labour, UKIP (Coventry) and National Liberal Party are the main parties that have committed to take appropriate action to implement caste legislation after the General Election. Only Conservative Party – unfortunately – has not committed itself to grant us caste equality in UK, although Tory Candidate from Coventry Michelle Lowe has given her personal assurance to support our cause. Mr Dial Masih member of CasteWatchUK has assured me that he’ll try and generate political pressure on Conservative party when the time comes after the election.

Mr Rob Marris (Labour) from Wolverhampton – his victory for us is vital. Our members from Wolverhampton are requested to lobby for Mr Rob Marris – Paul Uppal of Tory Party damaged our cause and joined his Brahmin masters in disrupting implementation of caste legislation. All Labour candidates from Coventry & Birmingham are suppotive of our cause.

Mr Richard Fuller (Conservatives) from Bedford defied his party and supported us with caste legislation, it is important that he also comes back to parliament.

Mr Jagdeesh Singh, National Liberal Party – Perspective candidate for Parliamentary seat from Southall (London) has been committing himself to support us with caste legislation in the strongest possible words. Mr Jagdeesh Singh has been supporting our cause during various stages of our caste equality campaign and stood alone sometimes against those Sikhs who sadly are still taking orders from their Brahmin Hindu lords in UK. Please keep this in mind when you vote on Thursday and support Mr Jagdeesh Singh if you are in Southall constituency. I am attaching an e-mail from Mr Jagdeesh Singh for your kind attention and appropriate action.

CasteWatchUK will be launching our campaign for caste legislation soon after General Election on Saturday 9th May from our own media – Kanshi TV.

Regards and hoping that we have right outcome for us in this General Election.

Davinder Prasad JP
General Secretary

Media Release : EALING SOUTHALL National Liberal Party Candidate Jagdeesh Singh calls for immediate implementation of Anti-Caste Legislation
Jagdeesh Singh Attachment 27/04/2015

MEDIA RELEASE: 27th April 2015
Contact: Jagdeesh Singh | 07827-321036

Caste is an evil for which we must have immediate, active laws in the UK National Liberal Party candidate for Ealing Southall calls for full implementation of Equality Act 2010 on caste discrimination: “Caste is the oldest and most powerful apartheid that the world has failed to address”

JAGDEESH SINGH, the National Liberal Party candidate for EALING SOUTHALL, has robustly and affirmatively spoken out against the continuing stalling and misinformation being spread about anti-caste discrimination legislation in the Equality Act 2010.

Under section 9 (5) of the Equality Act 2010, caste was made a feature of this comprehensive anti-discirimination law which was designed to combine all pre-existing separate pieces of legislation on race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability discrimination into a single composite whole. Caste was added as a new area of discrimination.

After much campaigning by the caste victim South Asian communities, variously referred to as ‘Dalits’, ‘Untouchables’ and ‘Ravidasias’, UK law makers eventually conceded to the inclusion of ‘caste’ as as area of discrimination and its recognition as a ‘protected characteristic’ alongside age, religion, race, disability, sex, sexual orientation, race, etc.

However, despite this inclusion in principle, the caste feature was encircled with a quirky obstacle. The legislation reads that, caste will only be implemented upon an order of a Minister of Government. There was additionally, government reference outside of the legislation to the holding of a ‘public consultation’ before this Ministerial implementation would be considered.

“This represents a highly suspect, and grossly unjustified distraction and stalling.” Says Jagdeesh Singh. “Caste is a real phenomena across South Asian communities, in India, Nepal and Pakistan and in the UK’s South Asian communities. It blights and oppresses the lives of thousands and millions. It is a horrid form of embedded apartheid, which has persisted in South Asian society for thousands of years. It is affirmed in Brahmin led Hindu social codes of practise and mainstream Hindu religion. Growing numbers of people in the UK from these communities, are breaking away from this vicious strangle-hold. Attempts by new generations to follow suit in India, are met with violence, persecution and reprisals.”

Jagdeesh Singh points to the British political establishment’s appeasing of pro-caste forces in the UK and the Indian Government, which has previously expressed consternation at the transformation of caste into a legal offense in UK. “This murky appeasement and submission to foreign pressures, on the UK’s domestic practises, is plainly wrong. Indeed, the UK government’s foreign policy towards India, should include the dire caste issues aswell as other chronic human rights issues in India pertaining to women, minority communities, torture, police repression and genocide. Unfortuntely, the official ‘special relationship’ between Indian and British governments has no place for such humanitarian issues.”

Jagdeesh Singh says: “Caste is an inexcusable evil, which seeks to legitimise the division of human society into a select number of higher, middle and lower social classes; and accord stringent, immobile social, employment, financial and political roles to each. Approximately 400 million people in India are victims of this evil. They are forced to live in dire poverty; denied equal access to employment, education, public services; and forced to live their lives on the edge of society in separation, isolation and ostracisation. This same evil lurks widely and abundantly in the UK’s South Asian communities, despite the wholescale denials and evasions. Despite the pretence of equality by the upper establishment figures in these communities, caste is a real, grassroot issue affecting lives.”

“Caste is the is the oldest and most powerful apartheid that the world has failed to address.” Says Jagdeesh Singh.

“Communities from South Asia, who have been conditioned and nurtured in this social evil for thousands of years, have carried this social disease with them upon their migration and settlement into British society. The establishment figures within these societies, rabidly and avidly deny the presence of caste discrimination within their ranks; but will not address the fact that their religious and social institutions (e.g. mandirs, gurdwaras) are substantively based on caste and that their marriage practises are explicitly driven by caste categories.” Says Jagdeesh Singh.

“Caste is very much a defining feature of Hindu, Sikh, Muslim and other South Asian communities, inside India, Nepal and Pakistan and in the UK. Marriage adverts in Hindu and Sikh media, are entirely riven with explicit caste categories. It is a social disease which all deny exists, but which all are affected by.”

Jagdeesh Singh has stressed that suggestions that there is no caste problem in Britain, is an abject, grotesque lie.

“It is akin to the Indian establishment lie that there was no genocide in Panjaab in June 1984. Perpetrators of this lie exist across all South Asian communities. Avid efforts were made across these circles to block the inclusion of caste in the Equality Act 2010. We still here rants and raving from these select sources that, the introduction of caste is anti-Hindu, anti-Sikh, and is ‘discriminatory’.”
Says Jagdeesh Singh.

“These select sources have sought to smother, confuse and derail the simple matter of anti-caste legislation with misinformation. Section 9(5) of the Equality Act 2010 does not target Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims or anyone. It simple outlaws caste discrimination, however and by whomever. We should be welcoming that. Clearly, some practitioners of caste feel panicked by this legislation and are unable to stomach it becoming unlawful.”

Jagdeesh Singh says: “The trantrum responses, reveal the insecurity felt by these select sources by the introduction of an actual law in the UK, which will directly clash and confront insidious, ongoing caste practises. There is clear, open evidence of caste discrimination and caste bias in caste based institutions in these communities and the openly caste based marriages. Thousands of stigmatised ‘untouchables’, ‘Dalits’ and ‘Ravidassias’ are affected by this, aswell as middle-ranking and higher-ranking caste groups which will not inter-marry and will not interact in employment, business and other terms. Caste is not just about high versus low, but also about high versus middle versus low.”

Jagdeesh Singh calls for a no-nonsense, immediate implementation of the anti-caste legislation; giving the thousands of victims of caste discrimination and hatred in UK, proper and equal protection in law to those who suffer race, religion, sex, disability and other forms of discrimination, hatred and harassment.

On 20th April 2015, Jagdeesh Singh spoke at a special celebration of Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedhkar (1891 -1956), the Martin Luther King of India (see attached), who vigorously spearheaded the struggle against the institutionalised caste apartheid which affects 40% of India’s population. Speaking at the event held at St. Anslem’s Church in Southall, along with various other anti-caste public campaigners, he spoke of the campaign of denial and evasion which is being used to confront the current anti-caste legislation. “He said this has caused panic and fear amongst the practitioners of caste. They are kicking and screaming.”

End –

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