THE National Liberal Party is not interested in ‘gesture politics.’ This is a futile position adopted by groups on both the ‘left’ and ‘right.’ It consists of screaming, shouting and macho–posturing. Normally groups who follow this line are more interested in ‘hitting the headlines’ than actually following a strategy of careful thought and action.
But how do we encourage and promote this strategy of careful thought and action? We feel that only way is to engage in rational debate, constructive critiscm and to encourage feedback – good, bad or indifferent.
That’s one of the reasons why we’re reproducing – in ‘bite size’ pieces – the NLPs Manifesto for the fothcoming European-Elections. It calls for Self-Determination For All! and is a revolutionary document as it calls for national freedom and social justice for all oppressed nations.
We’ve already reproduced the first and second sections. Here’s the third section:
What do we hope to achieve?
Firstly, we wish to restore the principle of self-determination back to its premier position that it held in the early part of the 20th century.
“Self-determination’ is not a mere phrase, it is an imperative principle of action which statesmen will henceforth ignore at their peril.”
– Woodrow Wilson US President (Feb. 1918)
Secondly, we will provide a platform for the various causes struggling for self-determination to bring their plight to the attention of the Capitals large population.
Thirdly, we hope to elect at least one MEP who will act as the voice of the self-determinist Diasporas in the European Parliament.
All candidates, if elected to the European Parliament, pledge the following:
Firstly, to be the VOICE of London’s self-determinist Diaspora’s by providing a platform for and to support where possible ALL self-determinist struggles regardless of their personal cause.
Secondly, in following the NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY’S support for Swiss-style referendums in the UK, will endeavour to gauge the views of its voters through the use of voting banks via internet petitions and social media. The results will help dictate how an MEP will vote on non-self-determinist issues in the European Parliament.
Thirdly, a proportion of an MEP’s salary would be redistributed to ‘good causes’.
Upkar Singh Rai – Representing the Sikh community
Graham Williamson – Representing the English community
Jagdeesh Singh – Representing the peoples of the Indian subcontinent
Sockalingam Yogalingam – Representing the Tamil community
Doris Jones – Representing the North Borneon community
Dr Yussef Anwar – Representing the Kurdish community
Araz Yurdseven – Representing the South Azerbaijani Turk community
Bernard Dube – Representing the Matabelen community
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