Friday, 18 October 2024

NLP European-Election Manifesto: Section 1
LAST MONTH the National Liberal Party unveiled its European-Election Manifesto. At its core is a call for self-determination – which should be a simple basic human right for everyone.

As well as promoting our vision of freedom and liberty, the Manifesto looks at related areas such as National Minorities, Religious Minorities, Dalits (low-caste South Asians), oppression of Women and Sensible & Healthy Immigration.

In addition, the Manifesto also features two important – and revolutionary – pledges:

• Following the lead of Swiss-style referendums, any NLP MEP will endeavour to gauge the views of voters through the use of voting banks via internet petitions and social media. The results will help dictate how they will vote on non-self-determinist issues in the European Parliament.

• Additionally, a proportion of any NLP MEP’s salary would be redistributed to ‘good causes’.

To get hold of your copy simply e-mail and ask for your FREE pdf copy – or download the Manifesto by clicking on the banner towards the top of our home page.

In order to encourage debate and feedback – good, bad or indifferent – on our European Manifesto, we’re also reproducing it in ‘bite size’ pieces. You can find the first section here:

NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY – Spearheading Self-Determination in London

Giving the self-determinist communities of London a direct voice in the European Parliament!

London is a complex and diverse mix of communities, peoples and nations from all around the world. Indeed, with eight million plus residents, London is the most populous city in Europe. Furthermore, it has the most ethnically and racially diverse mix anywhere in the world. LONDON IS THE WORLD!

Within that mix there are many peoples who, or their families, escaped persecution, discrimination or worse, in their homeland, because they dared support a desire to determine their own governance, something we take for granted here in the UK.

Standing for self-determination!

For 22nd May 2014 European Parliament Election, the NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is putting forward a team of 8 ethnically and racially diverse candidates – Tamil, Sikh, Azerbaijan, Kurdish, English, North Borneo (Sabah-Sarawak), to represent the real grassroots London.

There are at least 200,000 Sikhs in London, 100,000 Tamil, 80,000 Kashmiri, 60,000 Kurds, and perhaps some 200,000 others from smaller Diasporas, who wish that their brethren ‘back home’ could enjoy the same freedoms we enjoy here.

Our election campaign will be spearheading the message of Self-Determination for all! for nations without states. Many peoples from those nations are substantially represented in numbers, but not politically, in London life and society. Even amongst the English there is a growing call to have their own national Parliament as Scotland already has and we support that call.

Across the world, multiple mini-wars within states like Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, China, Nigeria, Iran, Turkey, Morocco, Yemen, have or are taking place on the question of peoples’ rights to determine their own affairs, form their own parliaments, government and laws, and decide their conditions of life, whether as autonomous areas or even in Independent states.

Many oppressed peoples are deliberately misrepresented by Governments and media e.g. branding them as extremists or terrorists. In the UK, even Shia Moslems are lumped together with some Sunni terrorists, even though the former regard themselves as peaceful and loyal British citizens.

The very same critical right of SELF-DETERMINATION is being played in the domestic and international politics of Britain too. We have the Scottish referendum in September 2014 and we have the big question of the European Union and its overarching powers pressing and intruding into the life of Britain. The difference is, whilst we will ultimately be allowed to VOTE on our future, in many countries that right is DENIED on pain of imprisonment or death.

Struggles for SELF-DETERMINATION and freedom, liberty and human rights directly affect and define the lives of many settled and substantive communities in London – the Tamils, the Sikhs, the Kurdish, the Kashmiri and many more.

Look out for the next section of our Euro-Manifesto, which will appear in the very near future. In the meantime, we’d like to encourage debate about the section reproduced above. To do this, simply visit the National Liberals Facebook page and post your comments where you see this article.

You can also promote this section of our Manifesto by copying and pasting this article onto your Facebook page. Like it and Share it with your friends, relatives, work colleagues and other self-determinists.

We’d also encourage folks to send in reviews of this manifesto. Simply e-mail your review to

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