Sunday, 8 September 2024

Wherever You Are … SHOP LOCAL!
TOWARDS the end of last month we produced the latest in our series of Shop Local e-posters.  It was for Westmorland (previously spelt Westmoreland, Westmerland and Westmereland) an area of North West England and one of the 39 historic counties of England.

Our next Shop Local e-poster – which will be available soon – is for the West Midlands.

These e-posters are being produced to underline our localist agenda – in this instance, a preference for local smaller shops and a move away from the multinationals.  Indeed, the National Liberal Party hopes to eventually produce a Shop Local e-poster for every county – current and past – within the United Kingdom.  After that we will produce e-posters relating to every city and town in the UK.

But we need to do much more to promote small shops, local businesses and the self-employed.

So here’s how you can help.  Everytime we procuce a Shop Local e-poster we’d like everyone to help us viral it out via social media.  By using this method we can reach thousands upon thousands of people including family, friends, neighbours and work mates.

If you know someone who lives or works in one of the following locations, simply click on the link (see below) and ‘Like and Share’ it via your Facebook page or Tweet it using your Twitter account.  Ask everyone to repeat this process.

Remember, if we don’t use our local shops we will lose them forever.  That’ll leave us all at the mercy of the multinational supermarkets, who’ll be able to dictate supply, quality and prices like never before.

• If You Live Or Work In Yorkshire … SHOP LOCAL!

• If You Live Or Work In The West Riding of Yorkshire … SHOP LOCAL!

• If You Live Or Work In South Yorkshire … SHOP LOCAL!

• If You Live Or Work In The North Riding of Yorkshire … SHOP LOCAL!

• If You Live Or Work In The East Riding of Yorkshire … SHOP LOCAL!

• If You Live Or Work In Worcestershire … SHOP LOCAL!

• If You Live Or Work In Wiltshire … SHOP LOCAL!

• If You Live Or Work In Wigtownshire … SHOP LOCAL!

• If You Live Or Work In Westmorland … SHOP LOCAL!
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