Monday, 10 March 2025

Two New Publications On The Horizon
THE FIRST hard copy of Liberty & Nation is due out soon!

In the aftermath of the recent Scottish independence referendum, issue 3 will take a look at the constitutional position of the UK.  It’s understood that it will call for a federal Britain where all powers will be decentralised to the lowest possible common denominator.  This is in keeping with the National Liberal Party’s belief in distributism, self-determination, localism and popular democracy.

In practical terms this will mean that each of the ‘Home Nations’ will have its own parliament and that – a much reduced – Westminster will only be responsible for foreign, defence and monetry policy.

Our ideal of ‘Unity in Diversity’ will be backed up by a written constitution that will encourage our peoples to become truly active in the running of England, Scotland, Ulster and Wales.  It will include the power of recall and referendums.

As soon as we hear more about this new issue of L&N we’ll let you know.  In the meantime, get hold of issues 1 and 2 which are available in pdf format.  Simply e-mail and ask for your FREE copies!

The National Liberal Party also hopes to produce issue 4 of New Horizon (NH) in the very near future.

We had originally hoped that it would have been out by now but sadly its publication has been delayed by the pressure of other work – in particular the European elections held earlier this year.

NH is the ideological online magazine of the National Liberal Party. It exists to promote – and provoke – thought and debate. It looks at the ideological foundations of National Liberalism and also questions the various orthodoxies of both ‘left’ and ‘right.’

Those interested in developing (and promoting) National Liberal thought are invited to submit articles and reviews for possible publication. For more information, simply e-mail

• TO GET HOLD of issues 1, 2 and 3 of New Horizon, simply e-mail and ask for your FREE pdf copies!

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