Friday, 18 October 2024

The National Liberal Party is Britain’s ‘Swiss’ Party! (2)
AT THE very end of August we featured a new National Liberal Party e-poster which explained – very briefly – how the NLP could be regarded as Britain’s ‘Swiss’ party. Here we noted that the NLP was in support of:

• Referendums and Citizens’ Initiatives
• Armed Neutrality
• A Federal Britain

This striking and unique nature of this e-poster has attracted much attention – indeed, it was greeted very enthusiastically by members and supporters alike. From our feedback it also seems to have struck a chord with the general public as well.

Given the progressive nature of much of Swiss society, we’d like to develop the theme of the NLP being Britain’s ‘Swiss’ party. One member has already produced a version on this theme as a new e-poster version, which we feature here – see above. It calls for a system of direct democracy, Home Rule for all of our nations, strictly defensive armed forces and a fairer Britain.

If you’ve any more ideas how further e-posters can portray the NLP as Britain’s ‘Swiss’ party, simply e-mail or just leave feedback on the National Liberals Facebook page once this article has been posted up.
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