Saturday, 8 February 2025

Self-Determination For All! – Dream, Organise, Build!
THE NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY is using the forthcoming European Elections as a platform to promote the concept of Self-Determination For All!

As Self-Determination is a universal human right, our eight brave candidates represent different racial, ethnic, national and religious groupings. Indeed, our Euro-campaign represents a practical demonstration of the slogan Unity through Diversity!

In this brief mini-series, we look at our eight London-Region Euro Candidates. We kicked off with Dr Yussef Anwar who is representing the Kurdish community and followed up with Bernard Dube who is representing the Matabelen community. This time we feature Doris Jones who is representing the North Borneon community.


I am from northern Borneo (Sabah-Sarawak). My people were forced into a union with Malaya to create ‘Malaysia’ in 1963 without a referendum. We are suffering a slow genocide that includes ethnic cleansing, religious conversion by force, land grabbing, human trafficking, and fracking of our petroleum.

We are not alone for other South East Asian nations are suffering in silence. West Papua and the South Moluccas were invaded by Indonesia, and Tibet by China. Sulu wants Independence from the Philippines, the Kachin and Karen their rights in Burma. There are many others. We all dream of being free. Please help us.
Doris Jones, representing the
North Borneon community
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