Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Scottish Devo-Max Leaflet on the way!

LOOK OUT for a new leaflet – For A Truly Democratic Scottish Referendum! – that’ll soon be available from the National Liberal Party!

The leaflet deals with the Scottish Constitutional Referendum, scheduled for the Autumn of 2014. As many folks will know, that’s when Scotland will be asked to vote on its future. At the moment it’s likely that’ll Scots will only be able to choose from two options – should there be an independent Scotland or should it remain part of the union?

The leaflet argues that for the referendum to be truly democratic, there has to be a third option on the ballot paper – that of Devo-Max.

Devo-Max will keep Scotland in the United Kingdom but it’ll have the power to raise and spend its own money. Westminster will only look after ‘UK wide’ services like Defence and Foreign Affairs. The NLP believes that Devo-Max “is an important option that many people would prefer.”

As well as calling for the referendum to be truly democratic, the leaflet urges Scots to campaign for Devo-Max to be included on the ballot paper. “The people must be given the chance to vote either for independence, the union or Devo-Max.”

It notes there are three easy ways to help:

HAVE YOUR SAY! The Scottish Government is asking for your view on the referendum. Let them know what you think. Tell them that you want Devo-Max on the ballot paper! Check out www.scotland.gov.uk

TELL ALEX SALMOND! Alex Salmond is Scotland’s First Minister. He’s overseeing the referendum debate. Let him know that you want Devo-Max to be included on the ballot paper! E-Mail him now at alex.Salmond.msp@scottish.parliament.uk

DISTRIBUTE THIS LEAFLET! This needs to be a truly democratic referendum. More people need to know about the third option of Devo-Max. Why not take 100 copies of this leaflet and distribute them to your family, friends, neighbours and workmates. For more details simply e-mail us at natliberal@aol.com

The National Liberal Party will be producing more educational and outreach material concerning the Scottish Constitutional Referendum in due course. In the meantime, we’d urge all of our members and supporters in Scotland – and further afield! – to help get the third option – Devo-Max – on the ballot paper!

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