Saturday, 27 July 2024

The NLP has an opportunity to influence UK politics way above its present strength due to its involvement in the exciting new co-operative group Total Democracy
There is a great and growing sense of disillusionment (as apart from mere apathy) with our political system coupled with an intense dislike of professional politicians. However, in our opinion, no single party can mobilise the discontented masses and change British politics on its own, due to the antiquated electoral system under which we labour and the underlying strength of the three ‘tribal’ traditions.
Since the three traditions are unlikely to ever coalesce and no single party will be able to magically appeal to all sections of a public, fragmented by class, ethnicity and wealth too, only a coalition of parties that appeal across the social and political spectrum can ‘unify’ the discontented. Next year will provide us and others with the opportunity to begin that process in the ‘long march’ required to fundamentally change British politics for the better. Be a part of us, be a part of that. Happy New Year!
NLP Steering Committee
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